Sun 25 Jun 2017 3:31PM

What should be the "WeBrussels" Name to go for election in 2018?

RM Rick Mendes Public Seen by 477

This is an important discussion to have, right now in Brussels many initiatives overlap each other, most of them have the name "brussels" in their name, but what connect them all is the will to change Brussels without waiting for anyone to do so, some initiatiaves are mapping what alternatives are out there, others are doing bridges between citizens and public/private actors in the ecosystem, each are generally focused on one particular approach, WeBrussels being the only one geared to go IN Politics, with all the compromises, coaliations, and dirty political games that comes with it.

"BrusselsTogether" wanted "WeBrussels" to consider using their name since they already aggregate and put in the spotlight citizens approach to fixing Brussels in many areas.

At the end of the day, it's good to not re-invent the wheel, but it's also good to have our own approach, so between WeBXL or Webrussels that might work for French speaking people, or English speaking people, How are going to pick a name that will represent the diversity in Brussels and have inclusiveness built-in ?


Guy Sat 1 Jul 2017 10:47AM

O, thank you Rick. This is good news.
Looking forward to your update.
Thx again.


Rick Mendes Sat 1 Jul 2017 3:10PM

minutes are on the slack #agenda channel


jjj visser Sat 1 Jul 2017 7:45PM

Rick and I were hoping for a larger crowd but had a fruitful reflection; Since the political arm of We BXL is its own entity, it can have a name that is all fresh and new again.

Many commons movements have a given name like Eva (vegetarians), Loesje. We liked the personal feel of it, also to stay away from both abbreviations and acronyms that are so typical of governmental and Non-governmental parties, can you imagine getting a name for a party like CPNT (french hunting party) or OCML-VP ( comm.marx.lenin party) ?

Other social movements have an English name like Urban ecology and zero waste, even if they are french. But I prefer something more precise like Velt (organic), Groen, Denk (creepy left), pirate, or ,in germany too, die Linke( the lefties).


Jo Creten Mon 10 Jul 2017 7:12AM

Hello Joris, those I believe are all very nice considerations,
but I also see more ideas and again more fragmentation.

The idea of We Brussels is precisely to bring people together.

So perhaps we should not focus too much yet on the name of a list for the elections, but to retain and expand the little acquaintance and familiarity that we have since our beautiful first meeting in the park as We Brussels.

(Sometimes written WeBXL, pronounced We Brussels)