Mon 19 Mar 2018 12:03AM

Should we (mmt-dev) use Loomio for 'making decisions'.

DU Dan Hassan Public Seen by 10

Over the last months we have been figuring out our communication channels.

We're getting to the point where we are making decisions which will be strengthened by having a clear mandate and space for participation.

For general discussions we are using secure-scuttlebutt.

For 'making decisions' I propose that we use Loomio.

This has previosuly been discussed here:



Poll Created Mon 19 Mar 2018 12:04AM

Lets use loomio for making decisions Closed Sun 25 Mar 2018 11:01PM

Over the last months we have been figuring out our communication channels.

We're getting to the point where we are making decisions which will be strengthened by having a clear mandate and space for participation.

For general discussions we are using secure-scuttlebutt.

For 'making decisions' I propose that we use Loomio.

This has previosuly been discussed here:



Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 80.0% 4 AI DU K P
Abstain 20.0% 1 P
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 7 MI CP ML TV D N WMD

5 of 12 people have participated (41%)


Dan Hassan
Mon 19 Mar 2018 12:04AM

My reasons have been listed in the linked ssb link. Loomio is the best tool available for this purpose


Alanna Irving
Mon 19 Mar 2018 8:06AM

It's super great to clearly see if stakeholders have been consulted and to tell when a decision has been made. Mix and Piet are working on Loomio functionality for SSB, so we might want to review once that's ready.


Mon 19 Mar 2018 2:56PM

Agreed on all, and with the ssb-loomio upcoming, be interested to try this out when its avail. :+1:


Tue 20 Mar 2018 10:00AM

Definately important to make our opinions explicit rather than subject to interpretation....

Im also excited to see such a feature coming to scuttlebutt....


Wed 21 Mar 2018 1:50AM

(in non-decision-making role)