Tue 21 Oct 2014 1:37PM

Our structure. Democracy, Holacracy or Sociocracy

RJ Ricky Jefferyes Public Seen by 60

We have a structure that is working for us. There are a few areas that can be improved upon and eventually we will address these and improve upon them. I believe that we have a structure that has already proven that it works and that we don't need to revert back to either holacracy or sociocracy. We can progress by being just simply democratic.


Ricky Jefferyes Wed 22 Oct 2014 12:30AM

Here is another graphic that can be found on Wikipedia. It is the second top response when I Google Image "holacracy". It shows all the groups together in a large circle similar to how I have displayed the groups of SOL. But then there is the "Board Group", an "Executive" or "Internal Governance" group that isn't even in the circle that everyone else is in, yet it holds the most power and dictates to everyone else what they should be doing. I'm sure it doesn't take a genius to work out that the whole holacracy system is very much against what SOL stands for.


Emma Wardle Wed 22 Oct 2014 3:14AM

I have (finally) written my proposal for business planning. Part of that is determining the management team, including the structure. I think we need to know what we are doing before we work out how everyone slots in. I do blame myself for a bit of this, I should have had the business plan proposal out to you all a couple of weeks ago and I am really sorry about that, I didn't want to lose the momentum. Hopefully we can get back on track now.

Paul called me and was very excited about the expert, and I thought it was great that he was able to organise that. I don't know enough about holacracy to form an opinion on it as a structure I would like to follow, although I do appreciate the visual aids, Ricky, thank you. I honestly don't think that there is any harm in learning about it without making a commitment to work to the model. Like anything, even if we don't decide to go with the model, there are always things to learn, pieces to take from it. For example, communism is not all bad.

I am not fence sitting, I welcome development opportunities (which I believe that this is), and I have faith in my ability to not be convinced that something is a good idea just because someone tells me its a good idea.

Also, and most importantly, I'm in favour of a hierarchy as long as I am at the top.


Oliver Minter Wed 22 Oct 2014 8:09AM

LOLs! was that a joke at the end of your comment @emmawardle or is that serious? (i don't mind either way!)


Oliver Minter Wed 22 Oct 2014 8:15AM

like i have said in a previous discussion thread on this issue - i am open to trying HOLACRACY ... and learning more about it and its potential to help us... i can't put an idea down before i have actually learnt what it is and what it means. It will be explained to us by a professional trainer.... and i am sure after about 4 holacratic meetings and seminars i will be able to decide whether i like it or whether it has anything to offer us in my opinion.


Paul Wed 22 Oct 2014 9:09PM

Ricky it is great to see your true colours and intentions coming out once again. I am flattered that you have so much to say about me, pity it is all coming from your imagination. You are giving everyone who reads a fantastic in site of how you operate and the day to day issues you want everyone to spend all of there time on.
I have asked and you have not been able to tell me of one group, party, business that you have been a part of that has been successful in its objectives, the security guard business gives you a lot of time to type but it does not seem to empower you with skills in building an organisation.
If you truly believe in direct democracy encouraging skilled people to bring there expertise to the group will help its chances of becoming a reality in Australia. If you could put some research into Stephan and his skills and of decision making practices and there outcomes in the real world it would go along way. Drawing your ideas without experience in decision making in successful groups is nice but a professional facilitator is more helpful to this party.


Emma Wardle Wed 22 Oct 2014 9:48PM

Lol, Ollie! Just jokes!

Paul, while I understand that you feel insulted about what Ricky has stated in relation to your proposal, it is important that we have an environment where people are able to raise concerns. If what Ricky is saying is incorrect, it may have been better to explain this and address the issues that he raised rather than resort to personal attacks.

I personally don't want to read this sort of thing, or be part of a group where people's ego's get in the way of organisation's success, and that is not specifically directed at you, its directed at everyone. So you two can either sort this out and learn to be respectful of each other and put your points across in a way that is not ad hominem, or I am out.


Berge Der Sarkissian Thu 23 Oct 2014 12:28AM

Emma & Oliver - all great comments & I absolutely agree
Ricky & Paul - Could you please ensure any comments you make are NOT of a personal nature AT ALL - it doesn't help - and I absolutely accept like all of us you want to get SOL into government - I would see the loss of Emma due to these personal attacks as unacceptable and as such if anyone is to make personal comments and attacks of anyone in the group - I will propose to the IC /Exec that we vote on having that person taken off the IC/Exec. You are both energetic & progressive lets use all of that to drive us forward


Ricky Jefferyes Thu 23 Oct 2014 1:02AM

I'm done. I've had my heated rant and I feel better now that it's off my chest but I also feel ashamed. I feel like deleting this whole discussion. Does anyone mind if I do that?


Ricky Jefferyes Thu 23 Oct 2014 1:03AM

@paul9 Sorry for any insult or grievances caused


Ricky Jefferyes Thu 23 Oct 2014 1:08AM

*wholely wholey . I don't think that's a word but you get it.

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