Thu 5 Feb 2015 3:08PM


N Nicklas2751 Public Seen by 111

Please add an Clendar wich shows the Birtdays of the contacts and add an funcionality to create events and invite people to them. everybody who wants to come to the event shoud see it in his calendar.


Rasmus Fuhse Thu 5 Feb 2015 3:16PM

Personally I think that Diaspora is not a groupware and does not need its own calendar.


Nicklas2751 Thu 5 Feb 2015 3:19PM

German: Ein Kalender in dem man den Geburtstag der Leute sehen kann denen man folgt (natürlich nur wenn die das wollen) und damit auch die möglichkeit Events zu Erstellen und Leute zu denen ein zu laden. Wenn man dann an solch einem Event teilnehmen will sollte dies auch im Kalender angezeigt werden. Ich finde dieses Feature wichtig, dies ist nämlich eines der haupt Argumente warum viele doch noch bei z.B. Facebook bleiben weil Sie da mit den Leuten denen Sie kennen so immer wieder Termine einfach ausmachen können, das und die Gruppen.


bh Thu 5 Feb 2015 4:01PM

Diaspora is a social network. We may (and i think we should) use separate application for organizer. Instead of social network we should use operating system to get comfortable access to all possible tools and applications. I can suggest to improve third party organizer and add functionality like synchronization of dates with social networks.


Jonne Haß Thu 5 Feb 2015 4:12PM

Please use the search function, there are already. multiple threads about an events feature.


Deleted account Thu 5 Feb 2015 4:57PM

Loomio is definitly only about can I haz this feature now :/


Rich Fri 6 Feb 2015 10:36AM

@augier Because that's what Loomio is for, according to the Wiki:

Feature Proposals
This group is specifically for proposing features, or modifying existing ones

From: https://wiki.diasporafoundation.org/Discussion_and_voting#Feature_Proposals



Rich Fri 6 Feb 2015 10:37AM

Although, further up on the wiki page it does say:

please don't use Loomio discussions as features wish-lists

However, people click the #Feature_Proposals meta link and they don't see any text above it so they are doing what they are told and proposing new features :/


Deleted account Fri 6 Feb 2015 2:24PM

@rich1 : We might have a semantic disagreement on that :

This group is specifically for proposing features, or modifying existing ones

Proposing features, not asking for or demand those.


Rich Fri 6 Feb 2015 3:18PM

No idea mate, I'm simply offering suggestions on why Loomio is now all about "can I haz this feature" :)


Deleted account Fri 6 Feb 2015 5:43PM

Ah, ok ! :p

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