Wed 15 Feb 2023 9:36PM

Policy Proposal: Repayment of Member Loans to Shared Ground

B Bobbie Public Seen by 8

I am seeking feedback on this proposed policy regarding repayment of loans to Shared Ground. Adam and I have connected on this already and included our respective loans in the draft document. Are there any other outstanding loans that need to be captured in the policy?

Here is the draft: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19hWVDnrWuc62b6Uw-2r9kJP1CgUkDwIgaCd7GY7V0Wo/edit?usp=sharing


Drew Hornbein Wed 15 Feb 2023 10:45PM

There are historic reimbursements, like web stuff I've paid for out of pocket.

There is also a need for us to build some savings, could we maintain a fund that gets a percentage of monthly profits? Then we pay down liabilities


Bobbie Thu 23 Feb 2023 4:28AM

Would you like to add to this document the amounts you have paid for out of pocket, Drew? I would like to capture that within this if possible, seems only fair.

Savings sounds good to me too. Sounds like, to Caroline's good point, we need budgets and financial statements, etc.


Kristina Tue 21 Feb 2023 7:33PM

This looks good to me. Agreed with Drew about a portion of our funds going into a savings account