

CM Craig Magee Public Seen by 18

Copyright is an involved, complicated topic and its reform is a cornerstone of the Pirate Party of New Zealand.

Copyright is a legal abstract that is utilised by many segments of our society for a variety of reasons; from protecting and even maximising profits to protecting and maximising creative freedom.


Bruce Kingsbury Thu 13 Feb 2014 10:10AM

I am completely against having different lengths for 'copyleft' vs. all-rights-reserved. I don't think it would be possible to implement in simple and well defined laws, and I don't think it's necessary. A large part of the problem with modern copyright is that it's already too complex for most normal people (and even many politicians) to understand.


Craig Magee Fri 14 Feb 2014 7:40PM

Comment if there's a problem with the description or outcome text. I tried not to make it opinionated, but seem to have with the outcome anyway.