Fri 16 Oct 2015 6:07PM

Sensorica welcome package

MF Maria Frangos Public Seen by 229

A couple of months ago, I pitched the idea of creating a welcome package for new members, which would also include Sensorica business card templates. The idea was received well by a few members and Tibi suggested we work with / reformat the following document.


While the document is a good starting point for how we work, I think we need to also introduce where we are coming from conceptually and philosophically by talking about what an open culture means and comparing an open way of working with more traditional closed systems.

The purpose of this thread is to outline the table of contents and from there, we can begin to fill things in. The tricky part is making it useful to both those who are new to a p2p contribution economy and those who have lots of experience.


Fabio Balli Tue 20 Oct 2015 2:26AM

I like the idea. I would start with something like

  • What is open collaboration ?
  • How does it affect me ?
  • How does it affect my environment ?

Maria Frangos Tue 20 Oct 2015 3:20PM

I like the idea of framing it with easy to understand questions, as it will appeal / help people who are new to working in a p2p environment.