
Members Check In Jedlet - Call out

C Chontelle Public Seen by 23

Each year we like to Check in with Members. It is an opportunity for members to tell us how they are going, what is working / not working, how they are looking after themselves, what they are involved in and more. Last year ( 2022) Michaela, Lisa, Kate, Marg and myself completed the Check Ins, following from Fiona adn Michelle the year before.

Attached is the Summery of the 2022 Check In responses that was reviewed by the Wellbeing and Growth Jedi. Jedi. This feedback has given us great information for future direction and our 'Invest in Us' proposal.

Jeder Member Check In summary Dec 2022 copy.docx

This year we are looking for new members to be a part of this great Jedlet. Being a part of this group will help you to get to know members you've never met before, give you direct feedback about Jeder and you will be a part of creating our future based on direct member feedback.

What this Jedi needs is a handful of members willing to call 6-7 members each, usually 30min conversation (3-3.5 hours), complete the questionnaire and consolidate feedback (2 hours).

From last years feedback we would like to kick off this years Check In around our May gathering!

Who would like to join this innovative Jedlet?


Jason Emmins Tue 28 Mar 2023 9:56PM

Thanks Chontelle for posting the results- I will have a good read/review of them.

Unfortunately, at this stage I cannot commit to helping to facilitate the member check in- but always happy to provide responses (I find the check in useful).


Sharon Tierney Tue 28 Mar 2023 11:00PM

Hi Chontelle, I would be happy to help with member check in this year.


Kelly Dines Fri 31 Mar 2023 7:12AM

Hey Chontelle unfortunately at this point in time I dont have the capacity to assist. My apologies