Tue 28 Apr 2015 4:32AM


OM Oliver Minter Public Seen by 170

Hi everyone, i've been trying to formulate a script for a 6minute video featuring as many of us as possible to use for a crowdfunding campaign and for the SOL//ODD youtube channel. Please take note it is UNFINISHED and it will need to change according to what you would all like us to say.... It will most probably have to be filmed via our webcams - as we have no funds to film it.... If anyone has any other means that it could be filmed - then let us know... ALSO - my idea is for TWO videos - one is of 6 mins length and the other is of 3mins length preferably with animations. THE READOUT OF THE VIDEO CAN BE VIEWED HERE:
(please note that the video above does NOT include Berge's edits to the script he emailed me today 22/5/15) but the script below DOES include his edits.


Pete Radic Tue 26 May 2015 7:32AM

Ohh maybe not 500K but has studio and video equip to
film and edit.
could be useful.. will ask


Oliver Minter Tue 26 May 2015 7:36AM

@pete1 @emmawardle @lbjoum @bergedersarkissian @francois1 So would any of you guys be willing to APPEAR in the video?


Pete Radic Tue 26 May 2015 7:45AM

Yep... It may take a couple of takes (I can see the board snapper dude saying... take 50) but would love to give it a go.. Oh did I mention I have a great face for radio?


Oliver Minter Tue 26 May 2015 8:14AM

Thanks Pete - we REALLY need a professional filmer to help us... The filmer will have to catch a plane around Australia to film us all - obviously.... I know Francois is a professional filmer - so perhaps he could help us also?


Pete Radic Tue 26 May 2015 8:23AM

No problem.. I'll ask if he is interested.
Having all the video editing gear may help also


Oliver Minter Tue 26 May 2015 9:40AM

@francois1 is your video anything like this one?!


Oliver Minter Tue 26 May 2015 9:52AM

@emmawardle Hi Emma - what do you think of the video used here?: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/direct-democracy-party#/story

My feeling is its good - but lacks real people that are actually involved with the party- what do you think?

Here is their facebook page:

perhaps they did so badly on their crowdfunding campaign because they simply were not known about?
They are not even listed on the wikipeadia list of Direct Democracy parties worldwide (but WE are)


Pete Radic Tue 26 May 2015 9:53AM



Oliver Minter Tue 26 May 2015 10:04AM

It also makes me think Pete (& anyone who is bothering to read this) that we need to dramatically lower our initial fundraising goal amount on our crowdfunding campaign because over 2months/8 weeks that party only managed to raise $2,729.00 US dollars! (1% of their indiegogo goal) their time limit has now EXPIRED in a country with 318 million people compared to ours with a population of 24 million.... we obviously need to think VERY CAREFULLY about how we run our first crowdfunding campaign.... we may even need to borrow some money as a group to fund it better - then recoup it... we need to spend more on advertising.... but we need to borrow first .....perhaps as does wikileaks - perhaps we should charge a membership fee? ( i signed up to them about a month ago and paid my $20 membership fee) and i'm unemployed and on the DSP.


Oliver Minter Tue 26 May 2015 10:09AM

(and i let Berge know that i did that)!!

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