Tue 28 Apr 2015 4:32AM


OM Oliver Minter Public Seen by 170

Hi everyone, i've been trying to formulate a script for a 6minute video featuring as many of us as possible to use for a crowdfunding campaign and for the SOL//ODD youtube channel. Please take note it is UNFINISHED and it will need to change according to what you would all like us to say.... It will most probably have to be filmed via our webcams - as we have no funds to film it.... If anyone has any other means that it could be filmed - then let us know... ALSO - my idea is for TWO videos - one is of 6 mins length and the other is of 3mins length preferably with animations. THE READOUT OF THE VIDEO CAN BE VIEWED HERE:
(please note that the video above does NOT include Berge's edits to the script he emailed me today 22/5/15) but the script below DOES include his edits.


Oliver Minter Thu 21 May 2015 8:03AM

or you @tomoliveri or you Rory @rorytb ?


Joum Fri 22 May 2015 3:22AM

I think a funding campaign needs lots of good planning. Happy to contribute as much as I can to the idea, but I am very busy ATM so might not be able to give lots and lots, which this idea will need.


Emma Wardle Fri 22 May 2015 5:50AM

Hi Ollie,

I will have a look over the weekend, sorry I have been flat out at work!



Oliver Minter Fri 22 May 2015 9:16AM

oh and an update on the cost of our election thanks to Berge's info is that it needs to start at $40,000 to $50,000 for our goal. thats what he has spent on previous elections.


Emma Wardle Mon 25 May 2015 7:51PM

Hi Guys. Do you remember the Kony video in 2012? Here is the link. http://youtu.be/Y4MnpzG5Sqc
This video has over 100 million views and at the time it was a huge deal because it excited people. While most, if not all, of us know the bizarre story around this, my point is that I think it would be great if our video could be done in a style like this, something that grabs people's attention straight away and makes them want to watch and get involved. This video is close to half an hour in length, so having that many views is pretty amazing.

What do you think?


Oliver Minter Tue 26 May 2015 6:38AM

I'm watching it now Emma - in 35 mins i'll get back to you!


Oliver Minter Tue 26 May 2015 7:00AM

ok i'm 10 mins thru it.. i'm a little concerned that we are looking at a film with about a budget of around $500,000 as it was funded by the charity which included Oprah Winfrey (as donors) and many more... so it is sort of like comparing apples and oranges... We have NO money for our FIRST video for crowdfunding. BUT this film you have shown me - makes me think that if we raise ANY funds on an amateur crowdfunding attempt with an amateur video - that we should probably re-invest a substational amount of THAT money on a PROFESSIONAL VIDEO - that uses some of the same emotional tactics as this one does to hook people and make it go VIRAL.... GLOBAL corruption amongst governments could be ONE of our "emotional" tactics for a REAL DEMOCRACY.

Also this was a war propaganda film with probable funding from certain governments who would benefit from arresting Kony... "In an article analyzing why the Obama administration sent U.S. troops to Central Africa in October, 2011, the Council on Foreign Relations (C.F.R.) reproached groups like Invisible Children for "manipulat[ing] facts for strategic purposes, exaggerating the scale of LRA abductions and murders".[5]The C.F.R. article went on to say that organizations such as Invisible Children "rarely refer to the Ugandan atrocities or those of Sudan's People's Liberation Army."

I really really personally don't like getting involved in wars....


Oliver Minter Tue 26 May 2015 7:16AM

oh no its a terrible film! i'm 13 mins into it and the guy is using his child of like 4 years old to look at pictures of the guy they want to arrest! its terrible!! I don't think i could bare to watch anymore of this terrible emotional manipulation!
Its like watching a 30 min film on why we should arrest or kill Saddam Hussain! I would have been convinced by this film that we should kill Saddam Hussian if you swapped the name of Kony with Saddam! - unfortunately as a direct result of us killing Saddam Hussain - we created ISIS! so yeah war is always complex - there is allways two sides to the story... and hardly the kind of thing we should get involved in.


Pete Radic Tue 26 May 2015 7:20AM

Excellent video...
Oliver has nailed it!
What sort of budget would we need to produce something as professional?
I have a relative that may be able to help in some way...


Oliver Minter Tue 26 May 2015 7:23AM

@pete1 - you have a relative - that can give us $500,000?!

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