Wed 10 Sep 2014 10:12AM

Create a "Grievances" circle

RJ Ricky Jefferyes Public Seen by 17

We should create a sub-group from the IC that deals with
- sexual harassment
- bullying
- EEO complaints
- Any other complaints and grievances in general
- conflict prediction and resolution

You get the idea.

This group should be visible to the public but all discussions within should be hidden to maintain confidentiality.


Paul Sat 20 Sep 2014 3:14AM

Sorry Oliver did not know you were out of action, glad to here your feeling better. Your contributions to SOL are fantastic and noticed, groups survive because people like you get in and do all of the necessary sometimes boring or tedious work.

I would like to be putting my energies into building SOL rather than sorting out conflict, avoiding issues or hoping they will resolve themselves means they come round again and again.

I suggest we ask Emma to take on the process of creating a code of conduct and series of consequence for the group. She is new and keen so lets encourage her to get involved by offering her an important role.

That does not mean she writes it all and tells us what the law is it means she facilitates the process of recommending best practice as experienced by other groups and uses that to create one for SOL with input from all. That way we all own it and hopefully respect and abide by it.


Oliver Minter Sun 21 Sep 2014 3:28AM

i agree with Paul.


Oliver Minter Sun 21 Sep 2014 5:13AM

@rickyj hi Ricky - look i think this is a really important issue - but i dont think it will help to split grievences off into yet another subgroup - i think instead we should all discuss/handle/debate any grievances in the IC or the IG... we are all actually splitting off from eachother instead of coming together in ONE group and discussing it in ONE group. Remember there is still only about 10 or 11 very active people within SOL - that is such a small number of people - if all of those people were to attend a 3 hour meeting face to face once per week - you would see a lot of work achieved in my opinion. I think we need to go back to the idea of having a weekly meeting via video conferencing instead of fortnightly. and i think the meeting itself should be more about "work" and "achieving work" (ie resolving an issue totally within the meeting) and less about reporting of work supposedly done. its back to front atm - we aren't achieving enough work to report back to the meeting and we arent actually using the meeting itself to do the work. Once our organisation is bigger and we have more people actually working - then we can use the meetings for reporting only. ATM we desperately need meetings just to actually "do" some work.


Oliver Minter Sun 21 Sep 2014 5:17AM

Also, performing more of our work during a casual video conference (and NOT doing minutes of it) requires far far less typing and reading - its way quicker to actually get things done.


Oliver Minter Sun 21 Sep 2014 5:20AM

@bergedersarkissian @paul9 @lbjoum - hi guys- please read the above 2 statements by myself and provide your feedback..


Oliver Minter Sun 21 Sep 2014 5:39AM

the current active 11 members working for SOL (ie. they are in the IC or in a Subgroup of the IC) as of Sunday 21/9/14 in no particular order are:
1. Joum (IC & Software Delegate)
2. Ricky (IC & ?)
3. Berge (IC & AEC Delegate)
4. Paul (IC & IG &
5. Oliver
6. Emma
7. Tom
8. Peter Radic
9. Sarai Lawson
10. Francois
11. Malcolm Minks

  • Let me know if i have missed anyone out.

Joum Sun 21 Sep 2014 6:48AM

Francois has been quite for a while, but he and Nick are SOL executive.
I am also Newsletter and Admin. Not sure about others. Oh, you have not included your groups. I think just the names are what matters.


Oliver Minter Sun 21 Sep 2014 6:51AM

i am compiling the full list in a different loomio discussion thread atm... i didnt know so many people were working for us !


Oliver Minter Sun 21 Sep 2014 7:07AM


Oliver Minter Tue 23 Sep 2014 12:48AM

@rickyj hi Ricky - i feel i should apologise for saying the post by myself starting with "why are you raising a proposal and voting on it yourself - and then..."

I was obviously angry at the time - and i shouldn't have expressed my anger inside Loomio - or directed it at you. It was anger and frustration that was just inside of me - and actually had nothing to do with you. I am sorry to everyone - that sometimes - i almost 'bite' people without thinking - and then have to apologise for it later. And i also realise now - just how complex Loomio can be - especially when closing proposals or trying to edit them. I sincerely apologise to you Ricky... and i know you are busy with your new study schedule - so enjoy that - and please don't feel pressured by me to respond or to involve yourself again with Loomio/SOL/Facebook until you are ready. I will also refrain from electing anymore people to the IC - until you are back with us. I value your input and work very strongly - and i am missing your contributions atm - but i understand that everyone needs their own time and everyone works here at their own pace - and we should all try and respect that - and accommodate it.

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