Tue 24 Jan 2017 2:24AM

What is Participatory Democracy ? How could it work for Australia ?

TRA The Real Australia Project Public Seen by 349

In Australia, we could do something similar to consider: ‘How can we do democracy better?’

In a nutshell Participatory Democracy also called 'Inclusive Democracy' is a system that utilises the will of the people to determine the policies that affect their lives.

A true democracy doesn't end after an election. It is an endless, ongoing process where THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE dictates the course of a nation.

The goal of the Real Australia Project is to establish, expand and refine the structures of inclusive democracy in Australia whereby Australia is governed by the will of the people in a truly democratic fashion with supreme authority resting within the will of the Australian people as enshrined in the Australian constitution itself.

The Real Australia Project seeks to gather the voices of the real Australia are gathered systematically we have the opportunity to solidify the message, beliefs and will of the real Australia that could be used to influence political decision making.

Inclusive Democracy involves community consultation and input on policy at local, state and federal levels with legislation and policy subject to a People's Parliament if desired by the people to be proposed, amended or overturned.

Our mission is to foster the continual evolution of democratic participation in decision making and political eduction of society that will create a better system of governance that is truly representative of the will of the Australian People. A society highly educated in practicality is the best path to true democracy. Therefore we encourage an understanding of political matters throughout the people.


Poll Created Tue 24 Jan 2017 2:24AM

Do you think Participatory Democracy is a good idea worth exploring for Australia ? Closed Mon 27 Nov 2017 2:29AM

Do you think Participatory Democracy is a good idea worth exploring for Australia ?


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 1 TRA
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 2 J RS

1 of 3 people have participated (33%)