Fri 6 Mar 2015 12:54PM

General guidelines

PAF Petros At FreeLab Public Seen by 137

What we do:

  1. All groups are open and public. Mind your privacy.

  2. One joins or creates actions freely.

  3. We try to fulfill goals of the network in a smart, creative and efficient way.

  4. We invite all people we know, who my be interested and helpful, to join Amargi.

What we do not do:

  1. We do not ask for permissions; we do nto geve (or deny) permissons. No bosses no subordinates here. The only rule is to follow goals, principles and guidelines (or discuss their adjustment). If one dislikes someone's action, one proposes and promotes something better.

  2. We are not aggressive in words, deeds or thoughts ;-) This network's main goal is to support the recovery, not to fight anyone.

  3. We do not promote activities breaking our local (which is mostly EU) law. We do not want to get nor put anybody else into troubles.

  4. We are not afraid of doing stupid things. We are not afraid of making mistakes. We are not afraid of being criticised, ridiculed or attacked. All of that will eventually happen, so there is no need to be afraid. :-)