Fri 24 Apr 2015 2:11AM
Address on census night
Sophie Davies
Seen by 234
Census night address is a statutory requirement of the New Zealand census. It allows population counts of both residents and visitors present on census night.
Our current recommendations relating to census night address
The collection of information on census night address is required by law under the Statistics Act 1975, so this information must be collected in the census.
No change is recommended for census night address.
See our preliminary view of 2018 Census content (page 18)for a more detailed discussion on address on census night information.
See 2013 Census information by variable for information on the address on census night.
Bronwen (Facilitator) · Thu 30 Apr 2015 9:53PM
Hello & welcome to our discussion of “Address on Census night”.
I’m Bronwen, from Statistics New Zealand. I look forward to open and inclusive discussion over the next six weeks to understand your “Address on Census night” needs. Looking forward to hearing from you