
What would you like to include in education policy

JC Joseph Cook Public Seen by 14

Free, qualitative and quantitative, including further education


Fred Look Mon 12 Oct 2015 4:43AM

Education should include growing preparing and enjoying food


William Asiata Mon 12 Oct 2015 10:05AM

Agreed, modules that include community based projects on sustainability and local horticulture are a definite need.


William Asiata Mon 12 Oct 2015 10:03AM

@maelwryth Agreed, as a dual option it would gradually grow in popularity, until such time that the industry is developed enough that it can out-compete the traditional paradigms of "school facility" education, putting the old ways out of business.

In regards to the idea of local community based "teachers/learning facilitators", I think support for this could also be approached through an amendment to the government's charter/partnership schools policy to include allowing, supporting, and promoting the idea of community based "partnership learning facilitators". Something to hit up David Seymour about I think.


Maelwryth Tue 13 Oct 2015 5:42AM

Wow, I think that was the first time I have ever deleted a comment (it said something William had already covered)

OK, I have pointed out this before but I found it entertaining so I will again https://www.khanacademy.org/math is quite a fun game.

There are a couple of things I would like to bring up though.

One is that part of the schooling system is to socialise children. It doesn't do it very well, but it does do it.

Also, there would need to be a boot strap. This could be kindergarten or parental tuition but someone needs to teach the kids the system and bootstrap then into it.

What about children with disabilities and learning difficulties?

You would need to pass so many things per day otherwise you would have to go to school would be an interesting idea. Some sort of bell curve where if you fell out of it you would either be given attention to correct the problem or for your advanced status.

School also acts as a check on child abuse by forcing children to be exposed to others. A stay at home system would have to handle this in some other way.

How do you do PE classes?


William Asiata Fri 16 Oct 2015 11:42PM

Hey Maelwryth, I think an idea akin to the creation of independent local "learning facilitators" would be an appropriate entity to serve to bootstrap people young and old into the e-learning paradigm. They could work at all levels - ECE, Primary, Secondary, Higher education. Maybe not ECE though... just seems a bit inhumane...
If it was govt supported then independent teachers/learning facilitators could also be employed public servants. See the new proposal I just created.


William Asiata Fri 16 Oct 2015 11:48PM

Actually, maybe independent "learning facilitators" is exactly what ECE needs too, from the stories I've been hearing about teacher's work experiences at ECE establishments and not wanting to send their own kids there.


Fred Look Tue 13 Oct 2015 5:55AM

outside actually doing pyhsical stuff at least 50% of time, (edit) thats 50% of time in school not just PE


William Asiata Fri 16 Oct 2015 10:29PM

I think wikiMOOCs will be the way to go eventually.
Blending the collaborative wiki styles of https://www.p2pu.org/en/ and an element of DOCCs
Hopefully a complementary qualifications registry would also eventually be established too - wikiMOOQR or wikiOQR


Poll Created Fri 16 Oct 2015 11:28PM

Support independent community based "teachers"/"learning facilitators" Closed Sun 25 Oct 2015 8:08AM

The idea here, is for the government education sector to begin lending a hand towards the development of independent community based providers of education. The emphasis is on individual development of "teachers" that are not necessarily affiliated with any particular schooling institution or educational establishment although they may associate and share/contract resources; rather, they are independent and act autonomously to organise learners and curricula, and to provide educational experiences to residents in a local community according to the unique style that their personal professional character is capable of providing. Most likely, an association of independent learning facilitators would eventually emerge where the independent practitioners can network, discuss, share learning and collaborate with each other, etc.
It seems an appropriate linkage to make that such a style of education would begin to utilise and harness the wealth of knowledge that is available via free online courses (MOOCs, etc.), hence the term "learning facilitator" - someone that facilitates an appropriate physical and social environment to support learning and provide rich dynamic experiences.
Another useful note to make is that this could serve as an empowering alternative choice for people that would have normally preferred to attend traditional educational establishments, as well as for people that would have drawn towards home-schooling methods. This idea could be considered an attempt to finding a balance between the two.

It is quite a radical approach in contrast to the facilities that are typically available in the current mainstream and alternative paradigms.
This would likely be introduced as an amendment to complement the government's charter/partnership schools program by including the development of independent "partnership teachers".


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Agree 50.0% 1 DU
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Block 50.0% 1 CE

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Colin England
Sat 17 Oct 2015 5:37AM

Generally speaking we need to make education a result of researching the best methods and then teaching those methods to the teachers. This precludes National's top down approach and the 'anybody can do it in their own style' approach.

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