Wed 1 Nov 2017 2:43PM

External Communication of PPBe

RVE Renaud Van Eeckhout Public Seen by 57

I don't think we already have a topic or a workgroup about this.

[FR] [NL below]

Je pense que définir une communication externe est une tâche assez compliquée, et beaucoup d'entre nous ont déjà les mains pleines, mais je pense que ça vaut la peine de quand même essayer de trouver quelques éléments solides sur lesquels baser notre communication.

Les canaux de communication :
Nous avons de nombreux canaux de communication (voir ici : https://wiki.pirateparty.be/ITNow) et je me demande aussi s'il ne faut pas supprimer notre compte Twitter. Il semble très inactif, avec très peu de réactions malgré 3.000 followers. On a déjà l'alternative Mastodon qui est bien installée et qui tourne (merci à l'IT !).

Le message pirate :
J'ai vu dernièrement quelques images publiées par les pirates qui semblaient en contradiction avec nos valeurs. Je propose qu'on essaie de définir quelques critères pour encadrer notre communication.

Il s'agit bien de la communication vers le monde extérieur, pas de la communication entre pirates. Ne confondons donc pas.

[NL MT][FR above]

Ik denk dat het definiëren van een externe communicatie een nogal gecompliceerde taak is en velen van ons hebben al onze handen vol, maar ik denk dat het de moeite waard is om te proberen een solide basis te vinden voor onze communicatie.

We hebben veel communicatiekanalen (zie hier: https://wiki.pirateparty.be/ITNow) en ik vraag me ook af of we ons Twitteraccount niet moeten verwijderen. Het schijnt zeer inactief te zijn, met zeer weinig reacties ondanks 3.000 volgelingen. We hebben al het Mastodon alternatief dat goed is geïnstalleerd en draait (dankzij IT!).

Het piratenbericht:
Ik heb kortgeleden enkele beelden van piraten gezien die in tegenspraak lijken te zijn met onze waarden. Ik stel voor dat we proberen een aantal criteria te definiëren om onze mededeling vorm te geven.

Dit is communicatie naar de buitenwereld, geen communicatie tussen hackers. Laten we het dus niet door elkaar halen.


Renaud Van Eeckhout Fri 1 Mar 2019 2:53PM

3 months silence would probably mean "99% of us don't care, you're the 1% who does care, so do whatever you would like to do with it" :D

(we do crossposting Mastodon -> Twitter with our Liège account, I regularly check the account to see the notifications - because if there is an account, there is a responsibility to check it, but nothing ever happens anymore there anyway)


Ilja Sun 18 Nov 2018 4:43PM

Somewhere in this thread (I think) I asked to not scratch the twitteraccount since I was writing a bridge to bridge both the Mastodon account and twitter account and all the comments. While doing that I noticed the hostility that lives on Twitter so I deleted my repo and the code 'cause I don't wanna bring that to fedi. All of this happened a while ago, but it leaves the question what to do with the Twitter account.
* We could scratch it
* We could see if we can get someone active on it
* We could automatically post the messages from the Mastodon account
* ...

Personally I like the idea of posting from Mastodon to twitter and link back to the Mastodon post from it (exposure for both PPBE and the fediverse). The potantial problem I see is that flamewars may start on the twitter-side that we won't know of.
Is there anyone who has strong oppinions about this? Or ideas how to migitate this potential problem?

I see three possible options
1. Dissable replies on Twitter. I'm not sure if that is possible, but if it is, that would be great.
2. Have an active moderator on Twitter. The question then is who. This'll take time+needs to be someone everybody trusts will do a good job about it.
3. Post the replies back to Mastodon through an account specific for this. These replies could be unlisted. That way everyone who wants can follow that specific account to have an idea of what's going on (you could also follow it over RSS if you don't have a fedi account). If something goes wrong someone will still need to go on Twitter and interfere, but it's more passive. A problem is that only direct answers and posts where ppbe are tagged will be posted to the fediverse.

The Twitter account then should have it clearly in the discription that it's a bot + have contact information (fedi-account, email...). These are things I should be able to set up, so setup isn't an issue. The issue is really what way to go.


Renaud Van Eeckhout Thu 18 Oct 2018 8:43AM

Hello, please don't close any accounts, we will take them over from you

Who's "we"?

I think it's important to stay visually present

But these page are from crews that don't exist anymore, since years. So, more important than visibility, is to have functioning crews, I guess?

Some of these abandoned crews' pages become a pretext for some pirates to spread their very personal point of view without any internal discussion. Or some pages pretend to be pirate crews supporting another political party (for example Roeselare).


Jelle Debusscher Thu 18 Oct 2018 7:37AM

Hello, please don't close any accounts, we will take them over from you. I think it's important to stay visually present, also on Twitter and FB. This does not confine other initiatives, on the contrary.
I would like to propose to extend the pirateparty.be site with seperate pages for the crews as a sort of service and means of contact.
Secondly we would like to restyle and restart the Pirate Times, but I'll keep that for a seperate post - positive news of the pirates should be documented and shared !


Ilja Thu 27 Sep 2018 5:40PM

I like the idea of inviting them to Fedi :)
I guess they could also follow other FB pages, but those won't be maintained by the same people which means you prob can't really ensure quality anyhow, so let's not do that :relieved:


Renaud Van Eeckhout Wed 26 Sep 2018 9:15PM

I'm closing my personal Facebook account in the next days, so are there people willing to take over these Facebook pages?
- Ostbelgien (178 fans)
- Charleroi (221 fans)

For other pages I'm still admin, there are still other admins apparently.

If nobody is volunteering, I suggest we close them and invite the people interested to come here and on Mastodon (it's more than a suggestion actually, I have to close the pages or find admins to delete my account).


Josse Wed 7 Mar 2018 11:23PM

Maybe we can integrate the smiley in the organisational image on our website:
https://parrot.pirateparty.be (dare to give security exception)


Danny SG | La Louvière Pirate Wed 21 Feb 2018 7:45AM

This make sense for me... and the smiley is a good communication symbol ! :)


Deleted account Fri 9 Feb 2018 3:37PM

Sounds good to me!


Renaud Van Eeckhout Fri 9 Feb 2018 2:15PM

[EN][FR plus bas]

Hello. In parallel to the work in progress on our website (and the story we tell), I thought about another aspect of our external communication. I wanted to answer 2 different questions, and I ended up having one answer that answered both :
* How do we symbolize a pirate? We already have a symbol for our group, the logo of the Pirate Party, but nothing for an individual pirate. We (too) often use the Guy Fawkes' mask, but I feel it's inappropriate to use the same symbol as Anonymous.
* How do we do to communicate our events outside, for example by publishing on social media group photos of our events (GA, crew meetings, drinks etc), without bothering each person's privacy?

Also, I wanted something that had a meaning, that actually carried values (?) or a history that we could relate to.

So I thought, what about the smiley?

  • Its history is related to copyright, as some of its authors let it fall into public domain, while others put a copyright on it (with all the usual legal battles afterwards). Pirate topic.
  • It's related with a Belgian music style, New Beat, which is basically : sampling music, remixing it, having success, get censored. So Pirate topics.
  • It's also one of the symbols of internet, as we all used these smileys in our online chats. Pirate topic.

I used the smiley that is available on Wikimedia Commons and edited it to add the eye-patch (so everyone thinks instantly "pirate" when seeing it), changed the yellow colour, and made the border much thicker (it's now the same border as the border on our Pirate Party logo).

I think it's easy to add these faces on group photos now, and make people notice it.

Comments welcome :slight_smile:


Parallèlement au travail en cours sur notre site (et l'histoire que nous racontons), j'ai réfléchi à un autre aspect de notre communication externe. Je voulais répondre à deux questions différentes, et j'ai fini par avoir une réponse qui répondait aux deux à la fois :

  • Comment symbolisons-nous un·e pirate? Nous avons déjà un symbole pour notre groupe, le logo du Parti Pirate utilise souvent le masque de Guy Fawkes, mais je trouve inapproprié d'utiliser le même symbole que Anonymous lorsqu'il s'agit de représenter un individu.
  • Comment faire pour communiquer nos événements à l'extérieur, par exemple en publiant sur les médias sociaux des photos de groupe de nos événements (AG, réunions de crews, drinks, etc.), sans mettre en danger la vie privée de chacun·e ?

De plus, je voulais quelque chose qui ait un sens, qui porte des valeurs (?) ou une histoire à laquelle nous pourrions nous référer.

Alors je me suis dit, pourquoi pas le smiley?

  • Son histoire est liée à des questions de droit d'auteur, puisque certains de ses auteurs l'ont laissé dans le domaine public, tandis que d'autres lui ont attribué un copyright (avec toutes les batailles juridiques habituelles par la suite). Sujet pirate.
  • C'est lié à un style de musique belge, New Beat, qui est fondamentalement: du sampling de musique déjà existante, des remix, du succès, et de la censure. Des sujets pirates.
  • C'est aussi un des symboles de l'internet, car nous avons tou·te·s utilisé ces smileys dans nos chats en ligne. Univers pirate.

J'ai utilisé le smiley qui est disponible sur Wikimedia Commons et l'ai édité pour ajouter le patch (ainsi tout le monde pense instantanément "pirate" en le voyant), j'ai changé la couleur jaune, et j'ai rendu la bordure du cercle beaucoup plus épaisse (elle est maintenant la même que celle de notre logo Pirate Party).

Je pense qu'il est facile d'ajouter ces visages sur les photos de groupe maintenant, et de les faire remarquer.

Laissez des comm's ! :slight_smile:

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