Fri 17 Sep 2021 8:37PM


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this is trying to keep track of a very fast moving participation in NRTH Wed main gathering 9-22-21 ... lost of phone calls with Siobahn etc ... Summer & and I are co-leading at this time, and welcome both Eve and Rebecca to engage at anytime or in anyway that works for them ... this is a golden opportunity....


Summer Sun 19 Sep 2021 6:52AM

Hi Eve,

With what you say here I would really love to talk with you tomorrow if you are open to it. I feel a need to know your "startle" as I am not 100% in my own self about something and I am not totally sure what.

I did ask Lydie by email; Siobhan and I talked about her as a possibility especially since we were not expecting to count on you for that given all that is occurring in your life. Lydie was very happy to be asked...and is on holiday and so actually is available...and was not entirely sure about where she stood on the green meme...and its beneficial aspects: here are her words:My green is not very integrated…I sometimes wonder if I skipped it. Not much feels like truth to me, in all that gets said and researched, and sometimes I really question myself." So its pretty curious this request. everything else you said is something I can definitely get behind. Let me listen in about the beautiful aspects of the green meme and see what comes up? And thanks so much🙏🏻💗"

So I will let you know what her response is.

And I still need to go over what Frederico has written here as a possible approach and see how it lands in me...I will get back to you all more tomorrow. I think what is still lacking for me is some sense, or declaration or intent about "to what end...what is our aim" as we "move into a more integral stage of development together"...what does that mean, what are we talking about? Where are we going with this?

And even a wondering of how did we get here? And I need to say again that I need a good night's sleep and I will feel more capable of rocking this. Thanks for listening...
I know we want to connect with Siobhan again i believe Sunday evening or Monday morning so she can send out the group email. I will be dreaming...xoxo


Eve Sun 19 Sep 2021 10:31PM

Thank you both again💕….Really rich and meaningful deepenings.

Frederico I really love receiving your clarity of the goals of this meeting as well as your wise seeing of the importance of how Siobhan and Terry cue this up. I was seeing that too. I have been holding this whole unfolding in deep contemplation/bringing presence to it.

Summer, very happy to talk to you about the “startle”,

Also….I hate to say this but there is a whole new and Big image coming into view. I almost hate to say this because it feels so disruptive to your process, but then again it is arriving in me with some large volume so I am going to express it. I am wondering how people are going to respond to a pre-recorded Dharma talk from Terry. I have not been to every single big meeting so I may have missed this occurrence in the past but I feel like consciously or unconsciously there is going to be a poignant and tender response to that. Couple that with the fact that Terry is sending these emails saying “This life I have lived for 70 years is complete, over, done. Something new-perhaps a transition to the other side-perhaps, by Grace, a new transformed life~is now unfolding.” And he is starting this series this Saturday on Brightening Every Darkness. I just feel as if as a community we Really have not done any of the processing or gotten into relationship with the fact that we may lose Terry….this is just such a big task and I feel like the collective wisdom circle is a really really beautiful groundwork to lay to start teaching us all how to distribute leadership and be Held in a new center beyond Terry. But jumping into let’s explore how to move past consensus feels premature to me. In fact I feel like as a community we are just barely starting to even build a coherence or a field together. And I will just go a step farther and say I feel the True original intention for this Big meeting was to do a Wisdom circle process in the main group. That is what was moving. But then there was a little bobble with the timeline And then Rebecca and Eve said wait a minute, we should all enter this Together, and let’s slow down a little because we are in an alchemical vessel together and let’s discern and see if this is right timing or if we can manage a way to all Be with this together. And then instead of truly staying IN that and negotiating all together and Yes coming to consensus ….With Siobhan….we just fragmented. And from what I can see the process then came in through the back door but instead of staying with the original intention it was shifted a little to this new thing of let’s figure out how to be liberated from consensus. I am just now wondering if in some ways this project is Partially a reaction to our own incomplete process and not necessarily the next best medicine for the large group. I know this is Really late in the day to reconsider a shift which is why I have not been saying anything. But I am sensing a little unresolved ness in Summer too and maybe even Frederico. PLEASE please know that I support you 100% whatever you do and I am also not really trying to give advice. My interpretations could easily easily be all wrong, distorted or even just simply over exaggerated. And maybe it is just really no big deal the timing and whatever we explore will be fruitful and sacred. (I am very sure this is so). This is just how emergence is landing over here and this is my share for better or for worse. I think the consensus exploration is extremely Important, absolutely part of our next steps as a community and it will be really really helpful. The timing is just not quite sitting right with me. Please take these words with a grain of salt and if they are not resonating just DISCARD. I am not invested or attached….just expressing what messages I am receiving.

allll of that being said ….this is what has been stirring in me around consensus. (Also I am a little confused as to the primary intention of this meeting…is it exploring how we as a group relate to consensus or is it getting clear on our relationship to the green tier …I know there is some overlap but I am not clear on this.)

I believe you mentioned this before but in regards to consensus I am curious about the shadow responses to the limitations as well as the gifts and the wise center response to both the limitations and the gifts. I am also curious about our collective Skill around building consensus. This feels like an important part of this inquiry. What methods and intelligences do we have to build it?


Deleted account Mon 20 Sep 2021 1:57AM

Sending Nye: this whole thing a bird is probably torpedoed by Terry's latest caring bridge update, describes his worsening symptoms and diagnosis. Summer Eve and I all feel strongly that the Wednesday gathering must allow the community to deal with this, rather than push ahead with the agenda above. Good to have this thread though, because it's some point will probably come back to it.