Wed 23 Sep 2015 12:47PM

Food coop Pre-induction meeting

AVD Andrea Vidal Durà Public Seen by 242

Hello! I've send an email to the food coop list in order to set a meeting to prepare the Induction.

The induction is on the 3rd Oct at 2pm in the common room, so the meeting has to happend before :D

Thursday the 1st is the best day for me but I don't have any clue who else wants to come to this.

I'm going to see Joy at some point during the week to sort out and update the finances, so if nobody can make it, I guess we (spaecially Joy as she is the expert) will do it...



Marcel Thu 24 Sep 2015 4:43PM

Thursday 1st works for me!


Joy Thu 24 Sep 2015 5:29PM

me too! After 6pm? I am flexible with time actually. I'm not the expert at all! as many who can be involved as possible is great. We can discuss amongst food hub people how to organise that part but I guess the allotment hub will also have ideas?


Andrea Vidal Durà Thu 24 Sep 2015 9:21PM

Sounds good for me! Thursday at 6 ;) We can set the place next week when we see who else wants to come... Allotment people were more keen on focusing on their induction and then join for the general meeting.