Thu 17 Jan 2019 5:21AM

Equity & ownership share decisions

P pospi Public Seen by 149

Container thread to come to agreement on whether equity should be rewarded for particular jobs.

Please link all decisions to the relevant Trello issue card if one is available when posting.


pospi Wed 30 Jan 2019 7:11AM

I would like to propose that there are 6 distinct categories of effort that we are trying to account for. IMO the rest of the discussion comes down to how we combine, reward and track these things:

  1. capital inputs (money) which improve the value of the ELF property and assets
  2. material inputs (resources) which improve the value of the ELF property and assets
  3. work inputs (time) which improve the value of the ELF property and assets
  4. work inputs (time) which improve the value of the ELF business
  5. work inputs (time) which keep the ELF property and assets in a well maintained state
  6. work inputs (time) which keep the ELF business running smoothly



Deleted User Thu 31 Jan 2019 3:27AM

This has been a really big thread to read, and with a lot of personal emotion, and fluff to go through. I agree with Rod, and think that we all need to be clear on our communication efforts in resolution, not projections. That is a separate thread that Sun and I are going to start.
As far as moving forward i believe your last point @pospi with the different categories is a great idea ( and could of been great to just apply that at the beginning of the thread).
I feel they are good points, and we should create a list under each. I am also open to other adding other points or changing those point around.


Dean Cameron Sun 3 Feb 2019 2:51AM

How many people have looked at and are ready to consider the spreadsheet I posted a few weeks ago on classification and rewards for different effort and inputs? We need some resolution on this. I will create a proposal on the relevant thread


Poll Created Sun 10 Feb 2019 4:10AM

All Elf projects eligible for Capital Shares must be approved by LBPL members holding capital shares and all Projects eligible for SES shares shall be approved by LBPL SES shareholders Closed Sun 17 Feb 2019 3:01AM

by Dean Cameron Sun 17 Feb 2019 10:13PM

this Vote has passed even though it is fairly academic given that we must sell unless we can find a way to refinance in the next few weeks. i am still hoping for a miracle! Am in discussions to see if i can arrange another private mortgage as i really dont like the idea of loosing so much of the hard earned cash i put in due to a forced sales situation.

On the grounds of fairness, there must be a review process where elf project proposals are approved by those stakeholders most impacted by the decision. This can be done still through loomio. The voting will be in accordance with the LBPL constitution where normal company voting rules apply and members vote according to the shares they hold. All ELF members should be given one capital share and one SES share in LBPL if they apply for membership using the link that will be on the LBPL constitution once it is agreed by the members.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 5 T DC RW MK S
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 3 P NH

5 of 8 people have participated (62%)


Dean Cameron
Sun 10 Feb 2019 4:12AM

See ELF2.0 mindmap file for more discussion on this.


Rodney Whitman
Sun 10 Feb 2019 5:36AM

What is the bank details people pay the membership fee to


Poll Created Mon 11 Feb 2019 1:23AM

How much Community Spirit (voluntary) effort can we expected of members in order to build the Elf community. Closed Mon 18 Feb 2019 12:03AM

by Dean Cameron Mon 18 Feb 2019 8:36AM

well if ever we can somehow miraculously find a way to refinance or if ELF can in the future be resurrected, it seems that 5 - 6 hours pre week is a realistic expectation to put in the constitution as the right amount of voluntary community building effort from members. Im glad we did this poll

To build a dynamic, effective and vibrant community will take effort. The type of effort I'm thinking about here is participating in decision-making, contribute to discussions, share ideas for better more effective communication and putting forward proposals they think have merit, organising a shared meal/BBQ to just socialise and get to know each other in a relaxed way, Planting seeds in the garden and watering, harvesting fruit or veggies, tidying up some mess left after a working bee or storm, organising a group meeting, contributing to a meeting agenda and lots more actions that say "I love this group, I believe in our vision and want to tangibly contribute to making it happen without extrinsic reward. Either as bursts or a little each day, so how much effort and engagement can we expect of each other as members of ELF in order to create cohesive, focused effort from a diverse bunch of people all voluntarily playing to their strengths? Once we decide we can insert this into the ELF Constitution


Results Option % of points Voters
6 hours per week 50.0% 2 RW MK
4 hours per week 25.0% 1 S
1 hour each day 25.0% 1 DC
2 hours per week 0.0% 0  
3 hours per week 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 4 T P NH

4 of 8 people have participated (50%)


Dean Cameron Mon 11 Feb 2019 1:24AM

1 hour each day

i do considerably more than this each day, but others may think that is excessive/obsessional


Rodney Whitman Mon 11 Feb 2019 2:30AM

6 hours per week

6 hours is nothing if you think of all the things you listed as time in. 6 hours can feel like a lot of its sweating it out labour, but all the loomio time and conversation we have in a week easily is a couple hours. That leaves only 4 hours a week to make something tangible. I think you are asking nothing or expecting nothing of people with these amount of hours. I understand it's unpaid effort, but the right people live aloha.


Monique Kurdian Tue 12 Feb 2019 5:01AM

3 hours per week

At first I put 3 as an ideal. Then I read your comments and changed up. I guess up to 6 is not even one hour a day for all those things combined. Over the past year there’s been a wide variation in member expectation vs practice

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