Fri 31 Jul 2020 1:52PM

Share your updates

OS Oli SB Public Seen by 216

In the spirit of sharing and cross-fertilization it would be great to hear what everyone is working on... if you have any news from your Org / Projects please share your updates here ;)


Trevor Hilder Tue 16 Aug 2022 4:15PM

Hello, everybody. My wife Sonia and I are helping to fund Equal Care Co-op and I am assisting them with the development of their ICT platform and scaling up to become financially viable: https://www.equalcare.coop


Billy Smith Sat 30 Jul 2022 2:42PM

Update 1:

  • There have been a numbers of delays with a range of causes, partially due to my medical circumstances, partially due to the change in my functionality due to the level of my disabilities, and, partially due to my working on this by myself.

  • Continuing the CNC build-out's.

  • Continuing to look for other collaborative partners.

If anyone know people who are interested in Hardware Design, have experience in Design-For-Manufacturing, Software Engineering for control of Hardware systems, and ,are interested in building hardware to fullfill the some of the niches from here, http://resiliencemaps.org/ then i would be grateful. :D

I'm of the opinion that we can build a better world, and, that we can generate a profit/surplus through doing so. :D

Then we'll have the spare energy to work on the larger problems. :D


Billy Smith
Sat 30 Jul 2022 2:22PM

I like the overall aim, as that sounds like a nice future to create. :D

We do need the larger conversations about the blueprints, so the realisation of the vision can be distilled to a set of site-specific, climate-specific, and, context-specific, practical steps that people can follow through with. :D


Poll Created Wed 27 Jul 2022 6:41PM

If the World Would Be Managed by the People and Not the Oligarchs (Nazi/Eugenicists). A Vision/Strategy Closed Sat 30 Jul 2022 6:01PM

by Mofwoofoo Sun 31 Jul 2022 1:07AM

It got 100% agreement. Thanks to the one person who responded. Now, it is serious that people look at the John Perkins video "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" and the 7 minute animation explaining horizontal governance as the antidote to a long history of intimidating, threatening, and murdering heads of state to gain surreptitiously control of an entire country. This is the "deep state" that apparently every country has.

We could make a world that benefits everyone including the environment. Let me share a vision, not a blueprint. Each continent would have its super quantum computer with AI to sort out the needs and offerings (services, goods, and resources) of every village and city minute by minute. This could be coordinated on a world scale. It would be managed horizontally with no central authority. It could also be used as a repository for all innovations. There would be an agreed upon social contract that guarantees human rights, perhaps similar to the United Nations Charter, which unfortunately, is not currently followed. The platform for organizing would be horizontal governance, which is extremely transparent, autonomous, and virtually incorruptible, politicians and lobbyists would not exist (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wywMhg604W8).The world would be confederated under the social contract, for the purpose of collaboration and cooperation.The aim would be to create social environments where everyone flourishes. Where the needs that all humans share would be most easily met. A world of caring, of unconditional love for everyone and respect for the environment. There would be no militarization. It takes one generation for people to be acculturized (look at Germany). If there is a healthy, just, and caring culture, there would be a healthy, just, and caring people. A society, if not controlled (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btF6nKHo2i0) by psychopaths, narcissists, nazi/eugenicists (https://canadianpatriot.org/2021/05/09/for-victory-day-its-time-to-think-about-finally-winning-wwii/)or anyone is dependent on the quality, the personal integrity and empathetic ability of the people. We need societies of honest, kind, reliable, caring, rational, and humble people if we are ever going to create the more beautiful world that every heart longs for. I know from living in a small intentional eco-community (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aopmklhT88), that we can only succeed by having people with noble characteristics. One person lacking these, can undermine and destroy the community. The same holds for the macrocosm, the whole world.And thus there is the existential conundrum: We need a just and caring society to create just and caring people and we need just and caring people to create a just and caring society. Oh, how can we do this? Maybe, just start doing it, but first we must restructure from vertical to horizontal and rid ourselves of the tyrannous grip of the controllers by organizing on a global scale, by using encrypted apps, by invitation only, like element/matrix.We bring the world to a standstill once again but this time we inform as many as we can to stock up on food and necessities for at least 3 months. The indigenous did it in Ecuador recently with the STOP for 18 days. The truckers did it in Canada. And we demand restructuring ALL governments from vertical to horizontal. And we begin. First however, people need to be informed about what is horizontal governance (link above), and why it is necessary as explained in the Confessions of an Economic Hitman (linked above). We don't need leaders who promote war and militarism, and vaccine mandates that are unnecessary, dangerous, tyrannical, and don't work, that is, that perpetrate crimes against humanity. Or to be constantly propagandized with false information to manufacture our false beliefs, in order to manipulate us. The monopoly that owns and controls the media must be broken. Who decides the daily propaganda? the cia. People can begin being activists by sharing this vision and these 2 videos, and adding their vision to this.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 1 BS
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 1 M

1 of 2 people have participated (50%)


dilgreen Wed 27 Jul 2022 10:06AM

Bristol Pay have proposed a local economies conference (UK focus) for this autumn, and we're hoping to collaborate on / contribute to that initiative - especially hoping to kick of a peer-to-peer support community for the many local projects in the UK which tend to remain quite siloed.


Oli SB Thu 28 Jul 2022 9:18AM

This is the magic of this community! Someone always knows someone who can help you... the more we care and the more we share, the quicker we will all get there! ❤️


dilgreen Wed 27 Jul 2022 4:42PM

Hi Guy,

Have to say that I don't know Charlie and would be grateful for an introduction.

Dil Green

Mutual Credit Services ( https://mutualcredit.services )

digital anthropology blog ( http://www.digital-anthropology.me )

Open Credit Network ( http://opencredit.network )

@dilgreen on twitter and generally

Use this link to book a half hour slot with me!


Sent from Proton Mail mobile


Guy James Wed 27 Jul 2022 10:08AM

I presume you already know Charlie Fisher but if not I can introduce you. He is well versed in the UK housing sector and DAOs.


dilgreen Wed 27 Jul 2022 10:03AM

About to send out invitations for a significant new initiative - the Commons Housing Society model. Anyone with expertise / experience in UK housing sector and on the look out for a powerful new progressive idea, let us know and we'll ad you to the invite list.We're looking at launching a DAO to underpin this model, too.


dilgreen Wed 27 Jul 2022 10:00AM

With the Credit Commons Society working with locals in Brixton to build a community financial empowerment programme - starting with engagement events, leading on to a co-design education programme, alumni of which will be supported to develop projects within their communities and connect those together. - Brixton mint is that name of that project - we are through to round 2 of a Lambeth fund with a £70k ask, and £15k already promised.

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