Fri 31 Jul 2020 1:52PM

Share your updates

OS Oli SB Public Seen by 217

In the spirit of sharing and cross-fertilization it would be great to hear what everyone is working on... if you have any news from your Org / Projects please share your updates here ;)


Billy Smith Sat 20 May 2023 8:55AM

Hi all, :D

I'm still studying CAD for 3D design.

I've now got one 3d-printer working properly, and i'm working on setting up the kit for a CNC-woodworking router. :D

While London Hackspace has re-opened, it's on the other side of town, so i can't make it there as often as i'd like. I will lose ~2 hours each day, just to travel there-and-back, so i'm looking at setting up something similar in East London. :D

I have a fair amount of hardware and some of the initial financing, but i need more hands, hearts, and, heads, to share the effort and the results.

If anyone is interested, please drop me a line. :D


dilgreen Tue 16 May 2023 11:15AM

Looking forward to this!


Oli SB (via Loomio) wrote on 16/05/2023 09:56:


Oli SB Tue 16 May 2023 8:56AM

We will be presenting some of the new tools for building interoperable networks at the Murmurations Demo day - on the 20th June - all welcome :)



dilgreen Thu 4 May 2023 12:37PM

Mutual Credit Services just made a list of all our key engagements. We're sort of maxed out in our capacity to serve these, but at the same time, magic keeps happening and new ppl turn up.

If you'd like to engage - there are many possibilities - do have a look at mutualcredit.services - there's a contact form there (or reply here!).


Here's our gameplan, as per a recent funding application: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vR0zvEpxCDGv54iicbsnvIAWjcqvZwvxfeAye9syeO51i43iC7CMhpWMJbOm47AezA4oK30-4uJwE0Y/pub

And here's our current analysis of blocks to progress: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQr8iSIAfZBZj8rLDEhXcO55kI0cGdJrf50x2F4yOq8l2niZfwIekGsxZ_70FNixkK-H_DMUNfDAfZW/pub


Oli SB Thu 4 May 2023 7:59AM

A little further afield:

At the Commons Hub in Austria, May 22-28th, leaders and innovators will gather to share practice and progress on systems of collaborative credit.

Some are working with blockchains, others not. Come and chill with us as we break the DeFI impasse and explore new avenues of financial activism.

More info here


Oli SB Thu 4 May 2023 7:55AM

The excellent New Speak House has recently opened applications for their residencies for September.

The programme is designed to support mid-career technologists gain a holistic understanding of the civic landscape in the UK, in order to found groundbreaking new projects or seek strategic positions in key institutions. It’s ideal for people who have been working professionally for several years and are now looking to grow their network and spend time reflecting deeply on how they can best have impact on the world.

More details here


Oli SB Thu 4 May 2023 7:50AM

Hi All,

A couple of updates from me: Transition Network are organisning Transform Our Future - London from 11 - 14 May which is a chance to connect, collaborate and re-imagine the movement, the city, and the world we want to build at our regional gathering for Transition groups. It's free to attend...

More info here


Oli SB Tue 24 Jan 2023 12:26PM

Hi All, quick update about Murmurations, our regenerative economy decentralised mapping project:

We are now gathering more entries in the Index and Transition Towns and the EcoRestoration Alliance are working on setting up their APIs to add all of the nodes from their maps, so the data is getting more comprehensive. :)

Geoff and team have built an excellent map-based Index explorer, which renders all of the 30,000 nodes in the Index with geo coordinates on a highly filterable map - it's already quite a useful resource for finding regenerative economy Orgs and projects, check it out here: https://map.murmurations.network/ it's not a full 'aggregator' so doesn't pull in all of the details contained in each profile, but does enable you to click through to find out more, and can be easily filtered in several different ways, check out the short demo video here: https://player.vimeo.com/video/791872327

And, if you'd like to add your Org to the map, check out the step by step instructions and video here: https://docs.murmurations.network/guides/create-a-profile.html

Hope you like it - please shout if you have any question?



Kyle Bateman Thu 19 Jan 2023 4:26PM

The Got Choices Foundation just released this research on a commodity index proposed as an independent measure of value: https://chipcentral.net/

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