Wed 23 Aug 2017 2:44AM

Education, upskilling, capacity building for CSA

SR Samantha Rose Public Seen by 470

This is a discussion around the kinds of short films, TED talks, YouTube videos, magazines, books, workshops, demos, etc that we could share and take part in as well as offer to the public who attend our monthly gatherings on the 1st Sat of the month. It's both a way of growing our capacity and growing the public's awareness of the CSA initiative.


Alvaro Romera Wed 23 Aug 2017 5:10AM

Great idea!! This short video can be a good candidate, I think.
Incredible Edible Todmorden: http://incredibleediblenetwork.org.uk/resource/incredible-edible-todmorden-film.


Alvaro Romera Wed 23 Aug 2017 5:35AM

Three more candidates (sorry to spam u, but these are really good!):

Urban Agroecology (University of California): https://youtu.be/ODo_d69xd0Y?list=PL4Y2ky_3pcgh2PtE3faRekZgYeLvIYqza

Finca Marta (Cuba): https://www.facebook.com/fincamartam/videos/362062304003953/

Syntropic Agriculture (Brasil): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSPNRu4ZPvE

Feeding the world with Agroecology: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKtrwdsvIko


Samantha Rose Mon 4 Sep 2017 10:23PM

Given that you've given a few, let's decide on the best one for next time and have a vote. Once the film is chosen, we can then make a structured discussion process to follow. Shall we set a time limit that everyone watches them by the end of next week 10 Sept so we can set up a vote the following week? I want to use the film as a way of publicizing the event so we need to decide 2 weeks before the next meeting so we can get the details out to the media and other publicity channels.


Alvaro Romera Tue 5 Sep 2017 5:11AM

Good idea @samantharose1 .


Samantha Rose Wed 23 Aug 2017 11:54PM

As a Green Peace member, I receive updates quarterly. I just read in the latest newsletter that there is a documentary on sustainable agriculture in NZ that I thought we could review as a possibility to use for our post-meeting offering to the public. (I will include the link when I can). Anything we can do to build our capacity to take part in the political debates and influence our politicians at this time leading up to the elections is good to do in these next 30 days.


Sylvia Tue 5 Sep 2017 7:12PM

I really think that as a core team if organisers we need to focus on gttg our CSA infrastructure sorted out and functioning well first before we bother with politicians , that even if they mean well have very little say/intention/or power to do what is in the best interests of the environment or the people that they so called 'represent' . I think our task is to get on and do what we see is needed - set up system that encourages, supports and enables our Local Growers & Farmers to build THEIR capacity to get on with regenerative organic agricultural practises so they are able to supply an abundance of fresh healthy local food to all those that see the importance if this for themselves, their families and the planet.


Sylvia Tue 5 Sep 2017 6:09PM

Agree Incredible Edible Tod Morton is good info and entertaining.


Sylvia Tue 5 Sep 2017 6:41PM

Im not able to open these from my loomio site on my cellphone (which is the only 'office' facility i have at present to do this work on. As well every minute of my day is full up so the only time i have to get on these loomio threads is between 11pm - 7am , which im doing however i really should be asleep! For me all these various threads and tyoed responses are a burdensome way to discuss and not a satisfactory way to efficiently or effectively get everyones input sufficiently to reach conclusions let alone vote on. I think this system is not one that works well for those of us that arent in offices and spend most of our days outside and esp of late in the rain & mud! Anyone have any suggestions?


Samantha Rose Wed 6 Sep 2017 3:54AM

Hi @sylvia29. Regarding your challenge of keeping up with the email and threads of discussion, I would suggest you go to the "Email Settings" and choose not to receive daily email. You can then go into Loomio when you have the time and see the threads--all new additions will be marked so you can find it easily. this will keep your email inbox from being inundated and keep you from feeling the need to respond each time someone contributes something.


Sylvia Wed 6 Sep 2017 4:27AM

Thanks Samantha, i need to go back to school !

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