Tue 12 Sep 2017 3:11AM

H.R.1880 - College for All Act

WFC Wordhouse for Congress Public Seen by 357

What are your thoughts, concerns, amendments and ideas regarding this piece of legislation? You can read it here: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/1880/text


Wordhouse for Congress Tue 12 Sep 2017 4:14AM

I like it in general but the limitations on tuition hikes is not strong enough for me. I'd like to see the cost negotiated like Universal Healthcare, where the government sits down with public colleges, teachers and college textbook publishers and greatly reduce costs.


Poll Created Wed 13 Sep 2017 4:48PM

H.R.1880 - College for All Act of 2017 Closed Thu 1 Mar 2018 5:02PM


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 0.0% 0  
Abstain 100.0% 1 MT
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 2 WFC DD

1 of 3 people have participated (33%)


Mayme Trumble
Thu 21 Sep 2017 3:56PM

Just haven't read the bill, but do absolutely agree that for those in need, the costs have to be subsidized.


Mayme Trumble Thu 21 Sep 2017 3:54PM

It would be a good exercise to look at why costs of college have risen so much.....I am assuming that it is because the costs have shifted to the student, but who was subsidizing it before? State? Colleges? Federal Gov.?


Wordhouse for Congress Thu 21 Sep 2017 4:12PM

The problem of increased costs was due to government backed student loans that didn't cap the cost of college tuition. Other countries forced colleges to cap their costs in order to receive their government backed student loans and they haven't experienced the runaway pricing that we have. Just like healthcare, we need to regulate pricing in order to insure that we don't get fleeced. It's time to sit down with colleges and regulate costs.