
2022 November Guild Wide Meeting

Y Yuko Public Seen by 11

Hi Guild Mates, 

Great meeting last night! Thank you for all your inputs and suggestions. Here's the high-level summary from the meetings. 

November Guild Wide Meeting - 2022-11-02 


Facilitator - Carlos

Secretary - Yuko, Jerone, Dave 

Link to Agenda Doc 

2) Big News & Time Sensitives

- Guild will survive till June, 2023! 

- Cybernetics Library in Meditation Room - Loomio closes next Tuesday 

- Turtle Rescue Team Tank placement - This is specifically for the placement. 

- Guild Survival / Business Consulting Answer - ASAP

- Next retrospective is this Sunday 11/5 at 3pm - We will have a Visioning session coming soon. Please everyone think about this question... "If you have a building in Manhattan for the next 5 years, what do you wanna create?"  

3) Asks 

- [Services / Entertainment you can offer to the community.] we are compiling the running file of what guild mates can offer to the community. This can be in many areas and the idea is to keep growing the list. Specifically, Chef Mom is interested in something that we can offer during kid's party entertainment (about 30kids, 45 min) If you have kids friendly offering, please highlight  to let Chef Mom know. 

- Newsletter, IG, Community Board submission. If you want your projects to be amplified, please message [email protected] with a short blurb, photo and links.  Your writing should be 150-200 words. DUE Nov 9

Thanks everyone and have an amazing month! 

love and light
