Bring back likeable comments
Some time ago, it was possible to like comments. That feature is now removed due to some reasons. What do you think about bringing it back?
-> Decision has been made: YES, bring back likeable comments.
GitHub Issue:
goob Fri 2 Nov 2012 10:46AM
It seems that the general feeling (here and in my D* stream) is that comment likes should be implemented again. Would it be worth starting an issue in Github re the problem of the database size for comments, so that people can look into this and work out where the problem occurred in the old code?
Sean Tilley Sun 4 Nov 2012 9:33PM
@Brent: I can get in touch with Rekado from Libertree, he might have some suggestions.
Sean Tilley Mon 5 Nov 2012 2:29AM
f it helps any, Rekado's version of likes on comments is here.
I'm currently trying to find a commit where we still had comment likes to compare it to, but at least this is something to work from.
retired__-__ Sun 6 Jan 2013 3:26PM
Should this be made into an issue on github? Why not then post a final link to that issue and close the discussion, since a decision has been made?
Flaburgan Sun 6 Jan 2013 4:48PM
Feel free to do it !
retired__-__ Sun 6 Jan 2013 10:10PM
Issue already exists:
Is there any way to finally close a discussion on loomio?
I'd like to suggest to add the existing issue to the milestone. Can any project admin on GitHub proceed or is this a stupid idea?
Jonne Haß Sun 6 Jan 2013 10:21PM
Why has it to be in
retired__-__ Sun 6 Jan 2013 10:23PM
No specific reason. I just thought it has been decided on so let's proceed with action. Afaik, there are currently only two milestones on GH. and Feel free to create if you think it's better in that milestone.
Jonne Haß Sun 6 Jan 2013 10:25PM
I see nobody actively working on it so I'd prefer no milestone at all.
Florian Staudacher · Fri 2 Nov 2012 10:36AM
@jason: As I understand it, this is just about getting the picture if this is even wanted.
The implementation is not part if the proposal.
@rasmus it's not just about the speed, the columns are indexed already and it's working acceptably fast.
The problem I see is storage space in combination with row count. My phpMyAdmin shows ~66,783 rows with 118.6 MiB for about a years worth of likes on my pod with < 5 users. Only the 'participations' table can top that with ~77,899 rows and 131.6 MiB.
For comparison: the 'taggings' table has ~65,239 rows and shows only 13.4 MiB.
If we allow comments to be liked without changing anything, then a post has many comments and likes, and the comments also have many likes, which would come to a geometric or exponential increase in 'like' db-rows over time.