Wed 2 Jan 2019 2:17AM

Project costing template for ELF projects in Trello

DC Dean Cameron Public Seen by 169

We need a standardized way to cost projects so everyone can see how project costs are apportioned. I have made a cost template that should give us enough detail to make important decisioins


Poll Created Wed 2 Jan 2019 2:21AM

That all proposed projects use the ELF project cost template to give good resource allocation transparency Closed Sat 5 Jan 2019 2:02AM

This cost template isn't the final word & can be refined/modified as necessary, but we need at least the amount of information required by the template to make an informed project decision as a group.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 4 T DC MK S
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 5 P RW AL NH DU

4 of 9 people have participated (44%)


Wed 2 Jan 2019 5:13AM

Also see my comment


Thu 3 Jan 2019 5:38AM

A summary of labour and materials costs should be provide in any resource request I don'd mind what we use to demonstrate this.


Sun Wed 2 Jan 2019 5:12AM

I agree with this template for ELF projects and for projects in general. I believe this poll has been produced as I've costed the tiny home differently and before the template was shared. I'd also like to reiterate that Tiny Home is not an ELF project perse. It is a project to be completely funded by Sun and Kittea (once agreements are finalised that support such a relationship with ELF). Whilst it needs to and will benefit ELF/ELF purpose, decisions on design and budget for internal spaces are not open to ELF. The budget has been shared to show we have not underbudgeted and that the funding sought should definitely allow completion of the project as committed to by Sun and Kittea. Suggestions are always welcome for how to make the space more sustainable, beautiful and affordable.


Dean Cameron Wed 2 Jan 2019 8:33PM

ok I get that now Sun. So for your project proposal the more important thing is the lease agreement we can all agree on as we discussed yesterday as exclusive use agreements are an important priority. Please try and incorporate some form of the buyback provisions in the CLT documents as I think it is important that we avoid speculation.


pospi Fri 4 Jan 2019 4:14AM

@sun7 the idea is that you should get your accounting done to a similar and compatible standard as that of all other projects that are undertaken on ELF property. We want to have the same exhaustive level of detail - on materials, time and energy inputs - on every aspect of our living here so that we can share that data with the world and im/prove the sustainability of our way of life. The sunk costs that go into the construction of your home will all have an impact on the long-term efficiency of your lifestyle and on any products and services that you might sell to the public; basically we take the average of those numbers over the lifetime of the home and say that these are the carbon impacts of those choices as they boil down to moments of production and interaction among our communities.

So long as this is all possible and does not create significant extra effort for us to integrate the data with our shared community accounting system when we implement it, I'm happy for you to budget and make your own decisions on how you create the space however you wish. Let's make sure we coordinate as you move through this process to ensure things are easy in the long term.


Sun Fri 4 Jan 2019 4:46AM

If we are wanting to create a study from all of our developments then for it to have credibility the acco0unting of energy inputs should follow the Australian Standard on Life-cycle Cost Analysis. I've got a printed copy in my room if you'd like to take a look.

That is my own intention for this build anyway, but at an expenditure moment not budget estimate.


pospi Tue 8 Jan 2019 6:20AM

digital copy? (:


Poll Created Wed 2 Jan 2019 8:27PM

who is prepared to work on the project costing spreadsheet to make it easier to use? Closed Sat 5 Jan 2019 8:01PM

by Dean Cameron Wed 23 Jan 2019 2:03AM

thanks to Tom and sun for input to the spreadsheet. I have adopted you cell format Tom and simplified it so that you can easily see what tasks are needing what resources so when we discuss something we can see which tasks may need rethinking based on resource consumption. Please have a look at the new format and comment then I will put a new vote on it

would involve taking the time to make the sheet easier to use and some skills with spreadsheet formulashttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wzZgVqKZRazK8uE6stkQ0vueGQPa3-CdaNGVV_h9dxM/edit?usp=sharing


Results Option Voters
Yes 3 T DC S
No 0  
Undecided 6 P RW AL MK NH DU

3 of 9 people have participated (33%)


Dean Cameron
Wed 2 Jan 2019 8:40PM

maybe the work and equipment components can be broken down in a few extra columns so it can correspond to work associated with using or processing materials as all materials purchased have to be used in some way to be useful?

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