Tue 8 Nov 2022 5:15PM

Looking for supporters for a decentralised digital political party

J Jay Public Seen by 115

Hi guys and girls,

So let me begin by saying that more politics is not the answer to our problems - ironic i know considering that I am proposing to establish a political party.

Parliamentary Democracy has three problems:

1) Parliament is a 16th century handling a 21st century world. It is unable to harness the overwhelming data of today's world. What then can? The collective intelligence of a society. How do we harness that intelligence? By borrowing something from a system that many of you might be against - the market. A free market of perpetual referendums that anyone can create and everyone can vote on.

2) It's centralised. This centralisation leads to corruption. Furthermore because power is centralised, it leads to politics (defined as "the act of obtaining or maintaining power"). Decentralisation of power through the elimination of representative numbers and prime minister's would eliminate corruption and eliminate energy wasting politics. Every voter would be an MP so to speak.

3) It suffers from the Principle-Agent Problem. In short, this is the inherent conflict between the needs and wants of the voter and the representative. One example: 95% of voters in UK (93% in USA, 90% Germany) want tax havens gone. They stay. Why? Because as the paradise papers showed us, representatives benefit from them. Labour members want Proportional Representation. But the labour leadership don't. Why? Because it will diminish labours power. Smart politically, terrible socially.

A decentralised digital democracy solves all of these problems. No centralisation, no politics, and a system that can harnesses the collective intelligence of society.

I understand that under the present day first past the post system it's a basic impossibility to get into power right now. Let's leave that to the side as a mere obstacle in the way. First things first is building support. If you are interested then send me an email to [email protected]


Rose Mon 9 Jan 2023 5:35AM

Saw this thread and immediately thought of this, and yes - the Pirate Party is still going, I'm a member in the US Pirates. Good group, actually.


Billy Smith Sat 12 Nov 2022 3:36AM

Isn't the Pirate Party still going?

They've still got seats in the European Parliament, as well as political offices in other countries. Iceland, Holland, and Germany, i think...


Laura James Wed 9 Nov 2022 6:31PM

You might look up https://somethingnew.org.uk/ who were (are?) working on a different party model. If nothing else I imagine there may be insights to draw from their experiences.


Graham Wed 9 Nov 2022 9:27AM

Point being that there is a fine line between decentralised democracy and mob rule.


Graham Wed 9 Nov 2022 6:37PM

I think you miss my point (and I'll choose to ignore the offensive response). For the record - and in hope of a reasonable debate - I'm broadly in support of the notion of decentralised digital democracy, but I'm concerned that its advocates might not take on board its limitations and shortcomings. It may well be a substantial step forward from the primitive mechanism currently in use, but it's no silver bullet.

My point about capital punishment is not moot, as the nature of the crime is irrelevant in this context. The simple fact that a substantial section of society thinks it is OK to kill people as part of a system of justice must surely be a concern to many.

Referenda have a pretty poor reputation currently - Brexit anyone?

And my nearly 90 year old dad - who struggles with user interfaces often designed by 20-something digital natives – would highly likely be disenfranchised.

Otherwise it's all good.


Jay Wed 9 Nov 2022 5:10PM

It's such a frustrating point to hear. Sounds like its coming straight from someone who was anti universal suffrage in the reform era.

And regarding your point about capital punishment, it's mute without more detail. Capital punishment for what crime? All crimes? Rape? Murder? It's a perfectly valid viewpoint to have. You might not like it, but then again, you don't have to.

By the way, its 40% in favour against murder. 50% against.


Graham Wed 9 Nov 2022 9:25AM

And as I understand it there is a majority support for capital punishment in the UK.