Wed 26 Mar 2014 2:14PM

We need a better way to make group decisions

JA James Arron Public Seen by 4

Huddles are rushed, emails are overwhelming. We need an easy way for people to plug into discussions around the clock and allow wise decisions to unfold over time


Poll Created Wed 26 Mar 2014 2:16PM

Lets start using Loomio Closed Fri 4 Apr 2014 2:09PM

We would implement the software at the start of May and try it out on a 4 month basis. Huddle discussions that run over time could be referred onto the platform.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 50.0% 2 JA BO
Abstain 25.0% 1 H
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 25.0% 1 OM
Undecided 0% 0  

4 of 4 people have participated (100%)


James Arron
Wed 26 Mar 2014 2:20PM

The best case scenario is that we develop a whole new way to make decisions that allows us not to rush, that empowers quieter voices, and that enables more people to have their say.

Worst case isn't bad - the software is free so no big deal.


Bronwyn Oatley
Wed 26 Mar 2014 2:26PM

Think this could be totally helpful for our group decision-making processes.


Oshamimi Mayaki
Thu 27 Mar 2014 5:25PM

Curious what this button does. It seems like a pretty good tool to facilitate conversation around ideas and give feedback on proposals. However, I do share Hamoon's concern around uptake of yet another tech platform. Perhaps circles could pilot this.


Bronwyn Oatley Wed 26 Mar 2014 2:25PM

I like this tool a lot. Psyched to see how it can help us out


Hamoon Wed 26 Mar 2014 2:35PM

You kids are kool.

Also check out: http://www.powernoodle.com/

With anything you build, you want to consider 3 things: People, Process, Technology...this is your tech - what's your Process? e.g. decisions posted every Monday, close every Thurs? What's the threshold to go ahead with a particular decision - more greens than pinks? no points for yellow? 0 reds?

Who are your People? who's involved in which decisions?



James Arron Wed 26 Mar 2014 2:59PM

Well said Hamoon, I feel like Huddles are a good place to introduce discussions. Different decisions might have diff timelines, and whoever makes a proposal can set their closing date. I think any decision of any significance should be open for at least a week. I think this will also require a lead person from core team as probably a lot of feedback and direction will be needed from that angle. Generally, i think someone will need to be responsible for hosting this (C&C team/ bron?!)

The threshold question is an interesting one. What if tried on a 60% majority basis so we had to work towards relative consensus


James Arron Wed 26 Mar 2014 3:00PM

@hamoon @bronwynoatley, just to test out what happens with the @ feature.


Bronwyn Oatley Wed 26 Mar 2014 3:02PM

It works. (i.e. it emails a thing to my inbox)


Hamoon Wed 26 Mar 2014 4:39PM

here's what happens: you spam my inbox. You will pay for that, JA! haha.

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