
Bugmash Mondays - bug suggestions

G goob Public Seen by 64

As we're trying to get Bugmash Mondays up and running again, it would be excellent to have a place where developers can suggest bugs suitable for inclusion each week. This seems as good a place as any.

Ideally, we'll give eight bugs to the community each week (that was the stated goal when Bugmash Mondays were started) - some quick fixes and some suitable for newcomers, others can be a bit more complex. If we can't find eight suitable, I'll post whatever we have.

I'll bump this thread each Saturday, and then if bugs can be suggested here over Saturday and Sunday, I'll post from the Diaspora HQ account on the Monday.

Hope this isn't an inappropriate place for this thread - it seems the best place.


Jonne Haß Sun 23 Jun 2013 11:27AM

#4069 would be fine, though I'd keep the list at 5 per week.
#3529 is not really a newcomer thing but we really could use the help of a dev experienced with the RTL stuff to make the experience on Diaspora better, so it might be worth including it, simply to call out for that.


Steffen van Bergerem Sun 23 Jun 2013 7:59PM

Wait, #4210 has a pull request so it shouldn't be on the list, right? ;)

I'd also say we should list 5 bugs per week. If you want a bigger response I'd suggest to look at the old bugmash posts: http://blog.diasporafoundation.org/2012/02/20/bug-mash-monday-week-3.html

The reviews of the last week were awesome and I think that this could motivate other devs when they see that something is going on. I also think that we should keep the post as short as possible. How about something like this:


Flaburgan Mon 24 Jun 2013 8:38AM

@goob you should click on the button at the bottom right of the input text in loomio to activate markdown syntax ;)

Well, maybe the weekly post is not the best approach because too repetitive and not enough specific. What about some really specific posts like "Looking for a RTL specialist
You have knowledge about language in right to left and want to help improve diaspora? Please join this discussion (https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/issues/3529)!"

Or "You don't know anything about ruby but just about front end languages? We need to convert sass files to scss, come help here (https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/issues/3796)"

I think specific stuff like that could be better received.


goob Mon 24 Jun 2013 10:01AM

@steffenvanbergerem - that's fantastically helpful. Thanks. I had forgotten about the weekly reviews. Not being a developer, I hadn't paid too much attention to bugmash posts in the past other than just to see that something was happening. I've added your suggestions.

@jonnehass - thanks also for your input.

@flaburgan - thanks for the markdown tip. I had forgotten about that button. You may be right about specific posts, and that was something I had also thought would work well, but it's something I would not be able to do. I'm struggling simply to compile a short list of bugs each week, as I'm already out of my depth technically. So if the devs would prefer specific posts like that, someone else would have to write the posts. I could then edit them and post from DHQ account, but I wouldn't be able to compile or write the posts.

I'll post a list of bugs today anyway, and you can decide among yourselves what is going to be most helpful for you as developers in the coming weeks. I'll help in any way I can, although with those limitations I've just mentioned.


goob Sat 29 Jun 2013 9:30PM

Here are my suggestions for this week. As ever, I'd appreciate your feedback on them.

There are two important but straightfoward admin tasks we would really welcome some help with:

This week's bugs are:


Jonne Haß Sun 30 Jun 2013 6:32AM

Uhm, for the SCSS issue somebody said he'll have a look into it, so I'd postpone that a week. Also not sure I like the term "admin tasks". For the email one (4182) we got an open PR.


Jonne Haß Sun 30 Jun 2013 6:33AM

Oh, and the gem updates aren't necessarily straight forward...


goob Sun 30 Jun 2013 3:25PM

You're right, 'admin tasks' is not an elegant way of putting it. I was thinking of routine maintenance/updating rather than bug fixes. And if 'straighforward' is misleading, I'll change it to 'an important ongoing task'. And I'll remove the SCSS task and 4182. It was an error to include that last one, and thanks for pointing it out.

Right, I think we're all set unless anyone else has an issue to suggest?


Flaburgan Mon 1 Jul 2013 1:33PM

Thank you @goob ;)


goob Mon 1 Jul 2013 2:56PM

You're welcome. I'm happy to continue doing it if it's helpful to the devs, so do let me know if it is, or if it isn't.

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