Tue 6 Nov 2018 1:00AM

Deep Adaptation

PM Patricia Morgan Public Seen by 32

I have recently heard about Deep Adaptation - the idea that we are now beyond remediating climate change and the job now is to learn to adapt to the collapse that is coming: https://blog.p2pfoundation.net/deep-adaptation-a-map-for-navigating-climate-tragedy/2018/08/13 I'd like to talk about this with others who are interested and wondering if we could make a time to do that, maybe by zoom if anyone has an account? All the best, Patricia


Sophie Jerram Tue 20 Nov 2018 6:53PM

Thanks Patricia
I'm keen to meet and talk in a suitable Australasian time. Have you read much Timothy Morton? He deals with dark ecology and despair in a slightly more poetic way than this paper which i've now read (cursorily). I'm personally aware that presenting /modeling cases of communities in adaptation (eg conference on social soldarity and the commons this Friday) assists with my hope and optimism. Getting prepared for my community to become self sufficient has become the biggest driver outside my work. Thanks for the prompt to consciousness here.


Patricia Morgan Tue 20 Nov 2018 8:54PM

Hi Sophie @sophiejerram nice to hear from you and no I haven't read Timothy Morten's work - could you suggest a book or article? Bendell mentions this group in the UK: https://dark-mountain.net/ who also use creative approaches. Like you I again hope from my volunteering with the New Economy Network of Australia but after reading Deep Adaptation I think we may need to look at focusing our efforts slightly differently. I would really like to hear more about our community, is that in New Zealand. I am looking at coming home maybe late this year and would like to connect with a community who are working to become self sufficient. All the very best, Patricia


Patricia Morgan Fri 23 Nov 2018 4:30AM

Hi Everyone I recently emailed Jem Bendell about his Deep Adaptation work and I thought you might be interested to see this response from his RA, it also contains links to what looks like interesting/useful information, and a link to his Deep Adapation Linkedin group that you may like to join? :

"Reaction to his report on collapse-readiness in the face of disruptive climate change has been significant (over 50k downloads, featured in mass media worldwide, and generating hundreds of emails from people in all walks of life).
Jem is not responding to the hundreds of emails he is receiving. The best way to engage on this issue is to:
Join the Deep Adaptation linked in group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12091253/
Follow his blog: http://www.jembendell.com

If you have queries about IFLAS, please email [email protected] and if you have queries about Deep Adaptation, please ask me, Matthew, Jem's EA. My email is [email protected]

If you want to receive a full update on Jem's work, in a couple of weeks, please join his list here: http://eepurl.com/beciEb

This is also interesting to me personally, and I will answer you separately

Below I list some links that may be of use.

Matthew Slater, EA to Prof Bendell

His climate paper: http://iflas.blogspot.com/2018/07/new-paper-on-deep-adaptation-to-climate.html?m=1
His talk on it at the Cumbria Uni conference: http://iflas.blogspot.com/2018/10/leadership-beyond-denial-of-our-climate.html?m=1
His next leadership short course: https://store.cumbria.ac.uk/product-catalogue/general/short-courses/foundations-of-sustainable-leadership-2019
Jem has sought to align his work on currency innovation with the urgent challenge of our climate crisis.
His recent talk at the UN: https://youtu.be/Tjfolq1oLkQ
The short course on blockchain and sustainable development: https://store.cumbria.ac.uk/product-catalogue/general/short-courses/crypto-blockchain-and-society-exploring-sustainable-exchange
The free mass open online course on this: http://iflas.blogspot.com/2014/12/money-and-society-mooc.htm

Kind Regards, Patricia


Michael Kimball Fri 23 Nov 2018 8:26PM


Thank you for sharing this enlightening response with us. And thank you as well for introducing it to us a topic for consideration to begin with. The more I ponder it, the more I realize that my work, in its own way, surely points in this
direction. The challenge is how to connect it up to the larger project. I have sent a request to join Jem’s LinkedIn group and email list. I look forward to the opportunity to continue to develop the right questions and approaches in collaboration with you
and others.




Patricia Morgan Fri 23 Nov 2018 10:28PM

Hi Mike, @michaelkimball really nice to hear from you and thank you for sharing your thoughts, work, and this link to the climate warning. I'm still finding it hard to come to terms with but do believe that big changes are coming! I to joined the linkedin group. I was wondering if you'd like to try for a skype or zoom call to discuss this - it seemed difficult to get everyone together on a call but I thought maybe we could do a few calls with each other - and if we use zoom (do you have a zoom account) we can record them and post here? Do you have any free time next week? All the best, Patricia


Michael Kimball Mon 26 Nov 2018 4:58PM

Hi Patricia,

I am very motivated to think about and discuss this with you and others. My schedule is unfortunately just too tight to do so until, realistically, the beginning of January now. I do have a Zoom account through my university and would be
happy to arrange the call at that time. Hopefully we can work out the time difference and our scheduling conflicts!




Patricia Morgan Mon 26 Nov 2018 10:29PM

Hi Mike @michaelkimball thank you for your reply and glad to know you are interesting in connecting would you like to send some times or even set up a time poll in loomio? All the very best, Patricia


Patricia Morgan Fri 24 May 2019 2:32AM

Good morning everyone, the sun is out here in Sydney and has been for 2 weeks in a row, its beautiful in a way (we have Summer temperatures at the beginning of Winter) but now for me there is a shadow hanging over it, and aberations accompanying it such as the frangapani trees flowering for the second time this year, they are confused as I am. Vincenzo @vincenzogiorgino your message yesterday prompted me to say a bit about my journey with Deep Adaption, which continues as a right wing climate-denying coal-loving government has just got back into power here in Australia. When I first read about Deep Adaptation I was keen to connect and speak with others about it, for while I could understand the concepts, the reality of a near term climate collapse was too much for me to hold inside for any length of time and it still is!

Some of the things that have happened since I started this thread, which you may already know about are the amazing work of the Extinction Rebellion: https://rebellion.earth/ and the Climate Emergency group: https://climateemergencydeclaration.org/, plus Jem Bendell's work in Deep Adaption has grown expodentially, and there is now a Deep Adaption Forum that you can join and groups within that, which you can take part in, plus he is running a number of workshops on Deep Adaptation. The thing I was/am interested in, is the inner dimension/responses to climate collaspe and I've been interested to see the rise of climate psychology/psychotherapy, and climate grief groups, there is a Positive Deep Adaptation Facebook group you can join. For example I just recieved an email about a: "Anthropocene on the Mind: A Cross Disciplinary Dialogue on Mental Health" gathering next month at the University of Technology Sydney, there is a day-long pastoral care training on climate collapse offered by the Uniting Church next week and a climate grief workshop that was run by a climate arts group last Tuesday. Plus I was part of a group that made a submission to my local council to declare a climate emergency, and it was passed so Randwick City Council - my local council is now the 17th council in Australia to do this and it joins many from around the world.

I've been surprised to find that while I am still keen to connect and speak/feel about the scariest thing that has happened/is happening in my life time, I now feel a greater urgency to start connecting into a community and work to become resilent in the basics of life - food, water and community and I'm not sure if you can do this in a big city? There are some wonderful approaches to remediating climate change such as Drawdown: https://www.drawdown.org/ and much incredible science, there are so many gatherings where "experts" talk about the scale of the problem , but my sense is that we are beyond all of that - I hope I'm wrong. It's so hard to talk about this because I really don't want to upset people but I also think it is good to know what is happening and start getting prepared. I wish you all the very best and happy to keep talking about this. Love Patricia
PS: Here is our group outside the Randwick City Council - a great evening though for me a rather if bizarre introduction to the democratic process! I'm the short one with dark hair standing behind the word "It's"