
Add to Diaspora the possibility to be a WebApp

F Flaburgan Public Seen by 64

tl;dr : make an openwebapp is easy, we have to allow Diaspora to be installed in every device as a web app !

Mozilla introduces recently the new concept of OpenWebApp. In one word, the idea is to develop an app using web languages, not specific language, so the development is done once, and the app run on Android, Symbian, iOS, Blackberry, Firefox OS, Ubuntu, XP, Seven, Mac OS... Everywhere where you can find a web browser.

For the moment, only Mozilla implemented it, so it is only everywhere where you can find Firefox (bye bye, iOS...) but we hope the other browsers will implement it soon.

The idea is pretty simple : the app is installed inside Firefox and is managed by him. A shortcut is placed on the desktop. When you open it, the web engine of Firefox (Gecko) is launched and the web site is displayed on the device (in full screen : there is no firefox UI here).

When the app need to access to a part of the phone which need permission (geolocation, camero, bluetooth...), it is asked to the user each time (but you can remember the choice) and the app use the Firefox permission (this is why Firefox ask so much permission when you install it on firefox).

Make an app is really easy : you only need to add a manifest file to the website and you're done !

Now that we have a pretty good mobile version (thanks @Movilla !) I think it is a good idea to add a manifest file to Diaspora to allow people install it. There is some bugs to fix before, but we can do it soon.

Talking about that, the installation can be done by two different way : of course, this is an open technology so a simple button install with some specific javascript behind will allow every Firefox users to install it. This has to be add somewhere in the mobile version.
But to simplify things, Mozilla launched a marketplace, where you can put your application. It is still alpha but as a Mozilla contributor, I have access to it. I can submit the Diaspora app there.

Last thing, fot the manifest, an url of the mobile version has to be indicate. For the moment, the switch between desktop and mobile is done by javascript. Is it possible to put the mobile in a hard link ? (maybe a sub domain, like mobile.mypod.org, or if it is too complicated for podmins, mypod.org/m/ ?)

Summary : task to do
1 fix some bugs in the mobile version (especially when displayed in a desktop Firefox)
2 Put the mobile version in a specific place (ex mypod.org/m/)
3 write a manifest file
4 submit the app to the mozilla marketplace
5 add a install button in the site to allow user to directly install the app


Erwan Guyader Thu 13 Dec 2012 7:01PM

I think each pod should be a different app, installable via an "INSTALL" button (then bypassing the marketplace).

No need to provide a list of pods since the pod domain can be retrieved from the od handle.


movilla Thu 13 Dec 2012 10:46PM

I like that idea. I'll work on this and offer something


Flaburgan Fri 14 Dec 2012 7:21AM

movilla I can work on this with you if you want ;)