Sat 27 Feb 2016 4:36PM

Governance for renovating p2p bazaar / SENSORICA lab.

TB Tiberius Brastaviceanu Public Seen by 312

Goal: Create a set of simple rules around the renovation activities for the SENSORICA Montreal lab.

Our experience on the ground has revealed two major issues:

  • Process for high risk tasks / activity items (construction of the bathroom floor for example)
  • Process for spending common funds (not individual money)

The arguments (elsewhere) are revolving around efficiency and speed of action on one side, and shared risk, quality peer-reviewed designs, cost reduction and respect for those who have skin in the gamed (those with personal responsibilities and with investment in SENSORICA) on the other side.

More context is given in this thread from SENSORICA main mailing list.

Initially proposed

Use Proposal on the right side on this window to formulate a set of rules, a process, a protocol to vote on.


Tiberius Brastaviceanu Sun 27 Mar 2016 10:38PM

Radu, I will incorporate some of your ideas into my proposal.

For those who are not familiar with Loomio, everyone can edit your comments. You can have a comment with your proposal, that you refine as people add their opinions. The idea is to arrive at a proposition that takes into consideration enough concerns to look like a consensus, that people can vote in majority.


Abran Khalid Sun 27 Mar 2016 7:40PM


@tiberiusbrastavice , thanks for keeping me alive in the discussions. I am glad to be of service as an examplary sensorica affiliate :)

The risk for an open and democratic decision making process is that my own beliefs might not hold sway. By being a Sensorican and investing in the network ( money, time, experience...) I am inherently accepting that risk. I am trusting the wisdom of the crowd above my own and am holding their interests above mine.

Any investor will have to trust the crowd. Without that trust, no relationship can exist. Transparency is vital in winning that trust. The outcome of the process can not be dictated by the concern of an investor unduly. They get the same voice as the stake holders. The openness is a double edged sword. It can work both ways. But, we have to let the crowd make the decision. Otherwise, what is wrong with the current corporate and political world ?

Having said that, there has to be a moderation in regards to what Sensorica, as a whole is geared towards. For example, we should not allow nuclear testing in the lab. We might have an investor who wants to, but common sense dictates we don't do that.

Most likely though, we won't have such simple black and white issues to deal with. The world is mostly grey. Take the example of tiling work at the new lab space. There are certain realities and responsibilities that can not be transferred to the crowd. improper flooring/wiring/ other renovation work might void our lease and leave us open to litigation and other more serious dangers. But we already have a structure in place to tackle those challanges. That is the role of CAKE. They are the custodians. They deal on behalf of the Sensorica community ( virtual in a way) with the physical world that includes legal entities.

So the custodians of Sensorica already have a (maybe unwritten) understanding that they will look out for the community as a whole when it comes to shoring it up against real world troubles ( so to speak. not saying Sensorica is not a real world entity ) .

My take is that we should create mini-custodians of each project. These are the proposers of the project, people who want to accomplish something. CAKE custodians look at the project and decide if the project or task it self is a danger to the physical world relations that Sensorica holds ( such as lease agreements, insurance issues etc). If the proposal does, it has to be amended to incorporate the input of CAKE until it removes all their concerns. When its sure not to cause any legal troubles, the rest should be left to the crowd. There should be a deadline for voting and opinions.

The real issue would be to get people to vote with knowledge and understanding. For that, I would say a group of volunteer peers ( Sensoricans and non-sensoricans if its possible ) lay out the salient features, risks, pros, cons etc. This makes it easier to digest for voters. But perhaps this is a time consuming step and might not work as well. However, volunteering for this and doing a good job would mean lots of SensoricaCoins :)

I think we already have the tools in place. We need to refine them for new scenarios as they arise.


Chris Jack Thu 31 Mar 2016 12:09AM

Proposal for Purchasing Process / Criteria for high cost items:

  1. Identify materials that meet the builder's code (i.e., materials needed for renovations within the new space).
  2. Confirm that materials are NOT available free / by donation.
  3. Benchmark prices of materials against (Habitat) Restore or Ecocenter price lists.
  4. Check Kijiji (or other 2nd-hand materials sites) for availabilities.
  5. Confirm checklist complete on community tool (e.g.. Loomio, Slack, etc..)
  6. Make purchase (the purchase becomes the trigger for the specific renovation / task to begin.
  7. Apply for compensation for purchase from ACES-CAKE custodians / community accountant.

Possible scenarios

Someone will oppose the idea, that's a Red Flag and you need to open a consensus building session.
Someone might think that what you want to do is not important enough to be paid with the community money, without opposing the idea. This is not a Red Flag. You can go ahead and support the initiative yourself and log your spending in the NRP-VAS if others support it, OR you can propose a democratic measure to see if you can overcome that person's opinion.
There is no money for your initiative in the custodian's account for community building. In that case you can finance your initiative and log it as a debt to be reimbursed with priority. [see precedent with Tibi]
NOTE: If you purchase something without going through all these steps you assume the risk of not getting reimbursed. The option would be to log the expenses as a contribution to SENSORICA, if the spending is somewhat justified. We have a very limited budget.


High cost = 50$ or more for the entire purchase.
High risk = something that would physically harm people, something that would require more than 100 hours in work to undo, or more than 1000$ in cost to undo, or something that would affect the reputation of the network in a negative way, ...


Chris Jack Wed 6 Apr 2016 8:53PM

HABITAT for Humanity ReStore pricelist: https://www.facebook.com/habitatmontrealrestore


Poll Created Mon 11 Apr 2016 11:49PM

Governance for renovations of the new SENSORICA Montreal lab Closed Mon 18 Apr 2016 11:07PM

ACES-CAKE is legally responsible for the physical space that we are renovating. Administrators of ACES-CAKE are responsible for the outcomes of renovation activities. They are the de facto coordinators and facilitators of renovation activities. Anyone can take initiative to propose and execute tasks within the following frame of rules.

Moreover, ACES-CAKE has received specific instructions for how the renovation should be done, from the building owner. These instructions have been already incorporated into a master plan, a 3D model of the entire space. All affiliates can let their creativity loose and take initiative, as long as the basic requirements of the landlord are respected. ACES-CAKE as veto power over initiatives if they don't respect these basic requirements, provided that the exercice of this power is properly explained and documented.

All major renovation activities MUST be communicated to the landlord! This has been stipulated in our contract. Therefore, the landlord has the ultimate veto power.

Proposition for important, disruptive of high risk tasks / activity items

Tasks that require a large effort and/or that present a large risk to the network, that require important modifications to the building/space, or that can disrupt the activity in the lab in a major way.

Take initiative but:
* Act transparently, have the initiative documented and communicated to allow others to know what you intend to do.
* Act collaboratively, have the initiative documented and invite others to build on your ideas
* Invite participation, make space for others to contribute with resources

STEPS TO FOLLOW - a lazy democracy approach
* Have your intention documented in a place that is open to others (Google doc for example). Have plans or models made if needed, set time parameters, level of importance priority, estimate required resources, make parts lists, estimate risks, nuisances, ...
* Share it with the SENSORICA community on the general mailing list with the mention "Renovations important", attracting the attention of those who are more active or directly concerned. If the action is about major changes to the physical space or building make sure the intention is shared with CAKE administrators and the building owner.
* Allow enough time, in proportion to the complexity of the issue and its importance for people to take notice and react. If needed, come back with a reminder. Use commun sense.
* Allow those who want and can contribute with ideas or resources to do it, within the timeline.
* If someone raises a Red Flag you need to stop and open a consensus building session. Raising a Red Flag requires an explanation of the reason, demonstrating why this initiative would cause harm, and the proposition of a path to make the initiative better. Simply opposing the initiative doesn't make it a Red Flag.
* If no one raises a Red Flag after the time delay for feedback, reactions, contributions, you can go ahead and execute.

NOTE: Those who abuse of using the Red Flag power will be sanctioned by the community in an open process.

If you are not confortable with the process ask for assistance. Start with the administrators of CAKE.

Use commun sense
* always ask others before you do something important
* respect those who bare responsibility or those who have a lot of investment in SENSORICA
* try to diminish risk for the network

Proposition for purchasing

Proposal for Purchasing Process / Criteria for high cost items:

  • If necessary, have plans made to show what you intend to do and share it (transparency)
  • Identify materials that meet the builder's code (i.e., materials needed for renovations within the new space). Have a list of things you need to buy made and share it (transparency)
  • Contact the SENSORICA community for feedback (use main mailing list). Set a precise and reasonable delay time for people to absorb and to react, and. Ask for feedback, new ideas (openness, participation, better design)
  • Confirm that materials are NOT available free / by donation.
  • Benchmark prices of materials against (Habitat) Restore or Ecocenter price lists.
  • Check Kijiji (or other 2nd-hand materials sites) for availabilities.
  • Confirm checklist complete on community tool (e.g.. Loomio, Slack, etc..)
  • Make purchase (the purchase becomes the trigger for the specific renovation / task to begin.
  • Apply for compensation for purchase from ACES-CAKE custodians / community accountant.

Possible scenarios

  • Someone will oppose the idea, that's a Red Flag and you need to open a consensus building session.
  • Someone might think that what you want to do is not important enough to be paid with the community money, without opposing the idea. This is not a Red Flag. You can go ahead and support the initiative yourself and log your spending in the NRP-VAS if others support it, OR you can propose a democratic measure to see if you can overcome that person's opinion.
  • There is no money for your initiative in the custodian's account for community building. In that case you can finance your initiative and log it as a debt to be reimbursed with priority. [see precedent with Tibi]

If you are not confortable with the process ask for assistance. Start with the administrators of CAKE.

NOTE: If you purchase something without going through all these steps you assume the risk of not getting reimbursed. The option would be to log the expenses as a contribution to SENSORICA, if the spending is somewhat justified. We have a very limited budget.


  • High cost = 50$ or more for the entire purchase.
  • High risk = something that would physically harm people, something that would require more than 100 hours in work to undo, or more than 1000$ in cost to undo, or something that would affect the reputation of the network in a negative way, ...


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 7 TB FB RS JA YV VN CJ
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  

7 of 36 people have participated (19%)


Von Neumann
Tue 12 Apr 2016 1:15AM

Finally! Thank you. Let's get to work


Chris Jack
Tue 12 Apr 2016 7:00PM

A very comprehensive proposal - the only thing I would add is to set a time limit on the opportunity for 'red flags' or objections from the community of affiliates. This should be a standard time period for objections that we all agree to.


Jim Anastassiou
Mon 18 Apr 2016 12:09PM

The time frames are very subjective in the proposal. Also an item of "high risk" would be better described as being part of foundational or structural support with other items being built on top instead of some value of time and money to undo.