Mon 12 Jun 2017 7:02AM

Would we like to use this? Democ, more? What's supportive?

S Simon Public Seen by 351

N - Evening ladies and gents,

a platform that might be generic enough for our decision-making purposes, might be something akin to https://www.democ.io/. This is a fast developing space, with new technological solutions for democratising process, decentralising governance, crowd-sourcing oh, well, almost anything at the moment, so this platform is unlikely to remain fit-for-purpose indefinitely.

S - Participatory platforms - yes I like voting and extending our boundaries - thanks N!. I like the idea of allowing decisions and activities to be worked on and generatde by the community. The best I know for collaborative co-creation, in a really distributed way such as IIA is, is Loomio.

What would it look like if all that anyone had to do - regardless of being part of the board or otherwise - if they wanted to start or further an integral project involving IIA is to start the project?

This is easier to explain in action. An example of what I mean is here - the Loomio Integral Institute of Australia group

It currently has one decision to be made - our group description

Over time, it would be possible to push all activities into a co-creation space like this. We’re effectively distributing the ability to create IIA activities to everyone who wants to do this - i.e. greatly reducing the overheads that may have otherwise limited such activities.

It clearly needs engagement from us to work well too and buy-in. So . . . you’ll find a lot more on loomio here: https://www.loomio.school and the Bioneers talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJnjTd9u4zg is a lovely accessible piece.