Tue 7 Feb 2017 8:48PM

Guiding activists to protect their privacy on the web?

VD Valerie D. Public Seen by 39

Activism is blooming around us, and is of course getting organised mostly via the internet. Protecting the privacy of group members is a key... but it is obviously not much taken care of (even by pirates :sweat_smile: ). Probably by lack of consciouness, but also by lack of know-how... and their combination: no time to take care.

Is this not a service we could provide to others and ourselves: a short guide with tips and tools for groups to communicate on internet :question:

Le monde associatif est très (de plus en plus ?) actif, et communique bien évidemment sur le net. La protection de la vie privée de membres est essentielle... mais elle n'est clairement pas au centre des préoccupations (même des pirates :sweat_smile: ). Probablement par manque de conscience du problème, mais aussi de savoirs... et de la combinaison des deux : le temps de se pencher sur la question.

Ne serait-ce pas un service que nous pourrions offrir aux autres mouvements et à nous-même : un petit manuel de bonnes pratiques et d'outils pour communiquer sur internet ? :question:

Activisme bloeit overal rond ons en wordt, uiteraard, hoofdzakelijk via het internet georganiseerd. De privacy van groepsleden beschermen is essentieel… maar hier wordt duidelijk niet veel aandacht aan geschonken (zelfs niet door piraten :sweat_smile: ). Waarschijnlijk komt dit door een onvoldoende bewust zijn van de problemen, maar ook door een gebrek aan know-how… en hun combinatie: geen tijd om er mee bezig te zijn.

Zou dit geen dienst zijn die wij aan onszelf en aan anderen kunnen verlenen: een korte gids met tips en tools voor groepen om over het internet te communiceren :question:


Valerie D. Mon 25 Sep 2017 3:44PM

euuuh ok


Thierry Fenasse Mon 25 Sep 2017 4:41PM

Mais c'est dingue ces trucs ... le bétail humain ... la ressource infinie dont le capitotarisme à besoin pour encore fonctionner aujourd'hui.


Thierry Fenasse Thu 28 Sep 2017 7:16AM

Here is a pad, (mainly in french,sorry) to help you make a phone call to Gerard Deprez before he 8 october 2017.


Renaud Van Eeckhout Sun 1 Oct 2017 7:38PM

@valeried : Sorry about this, but after thinking a bit better, I thought it would be better to talk about Privacy in a topic for that : https://www.loomio.org/d/MFlI5guG/ppbe-topic-privacy and not spam your project thread.


Ilja Sat 4 Apr 2020 3:26PM


I'm using this Loomio thread since it's the only way to contact I found.

As you may or may not have seen, we are currently going over the projects that are still considered "Active" on the wiki. The idea is to close projects that aren't actually active any more so we get a better overview of projects that are actually open and work on them[1].

This project is still open on the wiki[2]. Is someone still working or planning to work on this project or is it OK for us to close it?

If the project is still active it may be interesting to add more info to the page so that it is more clear what the project exactly does and in what stage it is.

If I don't hear back in, say a month (so by 04/05/2020), I'll consider this as an OK that the project can be closed and close it.

Kind regards,

[1] https://www.loomio.org/d/S8o21axX
[2] https://wiki.pirateparty.be/Guiding_activists_to_protect_their_privacy_on_the_web