Sun 20 Sep 2015 1:25PM

Finalising the DIF VISION

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I'm still spanking new to loomio and hopefully am doing things right, but as Ranjan said, its better to do than to just say/think...

Look we've taken a long time to finalize this, Debbie was super kind to put ALL our vision statements into one document for me today and I have spliced and married all of them into ONE statement. I do hope it works!! Am including a note on Ranjan's vision that we MUST use in our vision document.



siddhartha chatterjee Wed 7 Oct 2015 9:30AM

third... the question of who is 'empowering' who, needs to be clearly thought through. With care, recognizing interdependence and reciprocity, and as-far-as-possible horizontal respect between DIF entity/catalyst/platform/initiative and stakeholder communities.

Once we each do the Value Proposition exercise this will become clearer, no?
= For Who & why, we (DIF), unlike (others), do this.
Hope we can each try again :)

Posted Priya's excellent example of DIF being FOR Designers.
Can we directly request Meghna, Richa, Sangaru, Sajith and Tenzing, Gaurav to also do this? Or the initial group at least? First principles need perfect alignment, and this makes it people-centric... more real.


Mugdha Sethi Wed 7 Oct 2015 9:54AM

Yay chats. Agree.


Shailaja Shah Wed 7 Oct 2015 9:58AM

Yes absolutely, I agree, but this would be the working version till then of course :)

Shailaja Shah
Creative Director


+91 904 900 2269
[email protected] ( [email protected] )


Diana irani Wed 7 Oct 2015 10:09AM

I agree 👍👍👍👍👍👍 let's go with what Sid has put down

Diana irani