Tue 7 Feb 2017 9:22AM

AHBPA Reform

N NickDW [CBR] Public Seen by 7

At the Polo Camp polosummit we started a discussion about the AHBPA, what it's for and how it operates. The aim is to make the AHBPA better able to make positive change in the Australasian Region.

We put together a working group of me (Canberra), Bernard (Perth), Dave and Ned (Melb), Jason, Jenny, Kent and Ben S (Syd), Danny S (Auckland) and Mike (Timaru) to work through ideas and a plan for action before bringing them to this group.

The basic plan of attack is as follows:
1. Discuss and agree to a mission statement for the AHBPA
2. Discuss and agree to the best structure of the AHBPA to achieve the mission
3. Do the necessary work to implement the agreed structure

At each stage, when something needs to be agreed, it'll be agreed via a proposal on Loomio. That way, if it's agreed, it's because it has the backing of the community. But I'll put things out to Facebook too to gather wider views.

If all goes to plan, I aim to have the new structure in place ahead of Worlds 2017.

Please engage, because it's only through engagement that we can get the polo community that we want.


NickDW [CBR] Tue 7 Feb 2017 9:27AM

First cab of the rank - I have drafted the following as the mission statement of the AHBPA (or the objectives):

The mission of the AHBPA is:
To maintain/reinforce the culture of bike polo as a diverse community of players and supporters
To grow bike polo in Australia and New Zealand
To represent ANZ bike polo to other organisations around the world.
To determine and then support the host club of the regional championship tournament
To agree the mechanism that decides who represents the Region at the World Championships

It is intentionally high level because that gives us some flexibility, but at the same time it guides us in particular directions. Please comment.


Mike Polo [TIM] Tue 7 Feb 2017 10:20AM

  • Discuss and agree to a mission statement for the AHBPA

Mission Statement : "Bike polo for all and best of all bike polo for you"

  • Discuss and agree to the best structure of the AHBPA to achieve the mission.

Achieving the Mission : I feel we could look to impletmenting 2 - 3 ANZ ambassador's of polo to promote this mission to all our players and especially have a presence on soical media. We need to not get into the gender / elite / newbie / this or that battles just promote polo for all.

Reps should openly post about discussions had in loomio then on facebook as often left field commetns can spark ideas.

Share all good documentation between ANZ scenes to gain consistancy in design for tournament roll out's Sydney Slayer 20116 and Burning Slab was so good and streamline to other clubs how this was undertaken and achieved.

  • Do the necessary work to implement the agreed structure.

Implementation : Treat the roll out of this as a business would. Timeframe and Budget that all paying clubs would buy into, All we need to do is make the players feel like they are getting value and how this will benfit ANZ polo. We need to have all they key people involved in certain areas. I think people could offer the qualities they have first before we get into details.


NickDW [CBR] Wed 8 Feb 2017 3:54AM

Related to this discussion, but as an aside to the matter of a mission statement - this is the form to submit to be recognized as a sport in Australia http://www.ausport.gov.au/supporting/nso/asc_recognition

We need to be a formal entity for three years (amongst other criteria) to become a sport. Becoming a sport gives us access to grants.