
SAP-6 Appointed Members of the Board

AR Andrew Reitemeyer Public Seen by 278
  • member of Pirate Party:
    • Thomas Gaul (Int. Coord. PPDE)
    • Gregory Engels (Int. Coord. PPDE)
  • Contact data:

    • thomas.gaul at piratenpartei . de
    • gregory.engels at piratenpartei . de
  • _Proposal:


XII. Board

(6) Other positions may be created by the Board.

(7) There shall be four Alternate Members of the Board. If one seat of the Board becomes vacant, one of the Alternate Members shall follow-up according to a list. The position of the Alternate Members on the list shall be determined by approval voting.

(8) Alternate Members following-up on the Board shall have no office, but may be elected into one by a majority vote of the Board.


XII. Board

(6) Other positions may be created by the Board.

(7) The board can appoint further Member(s) of the Board without voting rights. This can be decided with a 2/3 majority of the board. The(ir) seat(s) becomes vacant according to Section XIII. (8). Further details may be regulated in the Rules of Procedures.

(8) There shall be four Alternate Members of the Board. If one seat of the Board becomes vacant, one of the Alternate Members shall follow-up according to a list. The position of the Alternate Members on the list shall be determined by approval voting.

(9) Alternate Members following-up on the Board shall have no office, but may be elected into one by a majority vote of the Board.

  • reasoning and motivation: