Wed 23 Apr 2014 1:18PM

Malay Idioms

CB Cikgu Brian Public Seen by 30

By now you will have researched your local idiom and should be ready to share it with the world - well your GP class at least. Please post your idiom below with a brief translation and explanation. You might also comment on how and when this idiom might be used. Double check that your spelling and punctuation are 'perfect'; yes, that includes your Malay words too.


Cikgu Brian Wed 23 Apr 2014 1:40PM

Here is a short one "beralih angin"

The English translation is 'turning wind'. Used as an idiom it implies (or suggests) the act of changing direction or swapping places.

Maybe you could use this to describe someone who has had a change of attitude or is doing something in a different way...Do you agree?


Farhana Wed 23 Apr 2014 1:46PM

" hidup Kayu berbuah , hidup manusia biar berjasa " which means trees are appreciated for its fruits when it's fully grow , people are appreciated for their achievements in their life . For example how its use , ' Muna's O'level achievements really makes her family proud , now she is the top student in my school and she is well known for her achievements ' . This is idiom is used when you want to describe if a person has already achieves their goal , they will be know and appreciated .


Najib Wed 23 Apr 2014 2:04PM

"Hangat hangat tahi ayam" It means that you are committed to something only for a short period of time. This idiom is used to explain someone who is unable to commit on a certain thing


Tiqah Wed 23 Apr 2014 2:11PM

"Macam menunggu sungai inda beulu" which means waiting for something or someone that is not forthcoming For example; ' Alice has been waiting for Sandy since 2 o' clock in the afternoon. 'In other word,it also means that waiting for someone for a long period of time.


Qaiyah Wed 23 Apr 2014 3:01PM

“Di mana bumi dipijak, di situ langit dijunjung” means that we have to follow traditions or laws according to the place that we live in or stay. For example, we have to follow the syariah law that’s being implemented in this country.


Firzanah Wed 23 Apr 2014 3:22PM

"masuk kandang kambing mengembek, masuk kandang kerbau menguak" which means to accommodate ourselves to the surroundings. In any situation we try to fit in and get into the circumstances. Or to make us feel comfortable in a situation which has new environment. For example when a family moved to a new house in different villages, they have to adapt themselves to new fresh looking neighbours and environment.

" berakit-rakit ke hulu, berenang-renang ke tepian, bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian" which means that we need to work harder even sometimes if feels like it killing us somehow, but in the end we manage to get what we aim. Example like if we want to go to university, we need to pass the Alevel exams with better grades. In order to do that, we need to work really hard for it. Because we know the hard work brings lot of benefits for us in the future.


Amir Wed 23 Apr 2014 8:20PM

‘Buang yang keruh, ambil yang jernih’ and I think the closest equivalent in English are the saying ‘forgive and forget’. It means forget about old grudges or disagreements ago otherwise start a new chapter. This idiom mostly used to advise people who have grudges towards someone. For example, Haziq said to her, “We haven’t talk to each other for the last two years because of the misunderstanding, so let us ‘forgive and forget’”.


Nadhirah Thu 24 Apr 2014 7:13AM

' Bagai tikus membaiki labu ' This idiom is used to explain when a person trying to fix something that he does not have any knowledge or know a thing about it resulting it to become more damaged.


Waizz Thu 24 Apr 2014 9:11AM

'Ambuk tunggal'. This idiom means a person is lonely or doesn't want any friends. Let me show the example; Ali usually walks alone and always avoids any conversation.


Amir Amsyar Thu 24 Apr 2014 12:16PM

'Hendak seribu daya, tak hendak seribu dalih'. This idiom means that if you want something, you will do many things to obtain it but if you don’t want something, you will give a million excuses to refrain from it.

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