Wed 4 Mar 2020 4:52PM

Everything STICKERS

BC Bruce Caron Public Seen by 89

Here is where we work together to get EarthArXiv stickers to every society conference on the globe.


Ben Johnson Wed 4 Mar 2020 5:08PM

I'll be heading to the GSA North-Central Sectional meeting in mid-May, and would be happy to take some stickers along!


Bruce Caron Wed 4 Mar 2020 6:24PM

message me your snail mail...


Bruce Caron Mon 9 Mar 2020 6:26PM

Stickers on their way! Post sticker use photos on Twitter @EartharXiv


Ben Johnson Mon 9 Mar 2020 7:16PM

Happily! Thanks again


Bruce Caron Wed 4 Mar 2020 6:21PM

Sticker artwork


Bruce Caron Wed 4 Mar 2020 6:24PM

Right now we have no cash for more stickers... I've got a sticker order-capability on Stickermule... I can share this with people who want to buy stickers. [MESSAGE ME] This is in the US, but they also ship anywhere. Might be good to have a sticker printing source in the UK, and EU, China, etc.... so people can get these printed locally.


Bruce Caron Wed 4 Mar 2020 6:34PM

Additional artwork is here in a zip file(from the EarthArXiv github) <https://eartharxiv.github.io/resources/andrew_cross_updated_for_linux.zip>


Christopher Jackson Thu 5 Mar 2020 4:34PM

Thanks Bruce!


Christopher Jackson Thu 5 Mar 2020 4:35PM

P.S. Do you know the height and width of the die-cut versions we have? I don't have a ruler to hand...! Stickermule UK will do them for us.


Bruce Caron Thu 5 Mar 2020 4:39PM

Here is the size... non metric of course...🙂

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