Thu 22 Jul 2021 8:17PM

1. TOP PRIORITY: Things to Cover in MON jul 26 at 1 pm pacific

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Deleted account Thu 22 Jul 2021 8:18PM

Summer emailed this comment to all of us on the 7-22, and I would LOVE to address it in our next team meeting!.... thank you Summer ....

Hi Frederico and All, I am feeling such appreciation for all of you as we went through our process and showed up for the event on Wednesday.

I also specifically want to acknowledge our 'male aspect'

I thank you, Frederico, for your sweet humble strong and willing response to Kim and the rest of us regarding your representation of patriarchy/ Spirit etc. I feel moved and appreciative of how fully and whole-beingly you took that on and received the feedback. I felt you truly take it in in, even though in your experience it seemed preposterous given the experiences you have had with many and most women recognizing your beneficence as a man and your embracement of the feminine. And yes, you are standing outside on the Earth in Nature and we are all siting indoors in chairs. Ugh! Except I think Rebecca stands a lot!!

I am feeling more relaxed with you as I experience you more humble present and feel-able since that has been happening. I felt you show up Wednesday in the group in a little different space that felt allowing and receptive as well as strongly present with yourself, the group, and this project.

I recognize you as having journeyed many years and having learned a thing or two…still being open to the feedback is a blessing for all.
I know we are each learning and will continue to bring ourselves forward as best we can. 
I appreciate the allyship of the other women in our group who are each forging our way in a world that has been so overly male dominated…but not only that, the domination of unloving male presence. I know we are all committed to evolving that bit of conditioning and reflection.

Gratitude for you and for having you in our midst!! And for the women who are calling you forth and support you!Thank you for all you do and are in your/our world.