Wed 17 May 2017 1:05PM

Where shall we meet?

BG Ben Galewsky Public Seen by 359

We already have a space in at Parkland. What additional or alternative spaces are there that we can go to that will grow hack culture in CU? Let's see where this takes us!


Gordon Speagle Sun 21 May 2017 3:47PM

Also, the Douglass branch of the CPL has a couple of meetings rooms as well, and if a central location is a determining factor, we could look into meeting there once or twice a month.

EDIT: At no cost


Ben Galewsky Sun 21 May 2017 4:50PM

I would love to use that space! My only proviso is that I think it's much more effective to have a single space that we meet week after week to build momentum. Changing spaces every week potentially makes it harder for people to find us.


Sanford Hess Sun 21 May 2017 5:50PM

I'm not in favor of a 2nd night/space until we have our logistics better worked out. I have to nudge, hassle, and ask people just to get ONE night's food going. Like this week...


Matt Cho Mon 22 May 2017 2:03PM

sanford, i stated that i was able to head up the parkland location and believe gordon offered to help also. it looks like jenny is going to run the ew one so i think the logistics piece is being taken off your plate unless you still want to have some role in it. i believe the only coordination going forward is what days to have them so they dont conflict. plus, i think this starts a good process of how to jumpstart other locations that want to have a hack night. unless i am totally mistaken and there should only be one hack night centralized in one location, which if so contradicts the notion of what we are even doing here in the first place if simply for the sake of logistics or convenience.


Ben Galewsky Mon 22 May 2017 2:07PM

I still worry about losing critical mass, but in the spirit of experimentation I would support it as a second choice in a vote.

Let's try the polling mechanism of loomio. We can try a couple of scenarios.


Poll Created Mon 22 May 2017 2:09PM

Where shall we meet Closed Thu 25 May 2017 2:02PM


Results Option % of points Voters
Move the Tuesday Session to Enterprise Works for the Summer 81.8% 9 BG A SH T KSA CC BE MR JA
Keep the Tuesday night session at Parkland and create a new session for the summer at Enterprise works 18.2% 2 GS MC
Keep the Tuesday night session at Parkland through the summer 0.0% 0  
Move the Tuesday night session to Parkland for the Summer and create a second session at Parkland 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 2 JC SL

11 of 13 people have participated (84%)


Mon 22 May 2017 5:52PM

Move the Tuesday Session to Enterprise Works for the Summer

Central location; new attendees?


Mon 22 May 2017 7:06PM

Move the Tuesday Session to Enterprise Works for the Summer

Nice of Parkland to let us use their space, but there have been a number of problems - Wifi, chairs, no projector. The location is also way out in NW Champaign.


Ben Galewsky Mon 22 May 2017 7:17PM

Move the Tuesday Session to Enterprise Works for the Summer

Best to keep critical mass of group in one place for now. Parkland location is great, but unfriendly for those without cars


Amy Mon 22 May 2017 7:57PM

Move the Tuesday Session to Enterprise Works for the Summer

A new more centrally located location may draw some new interest and be more accessible to those who wish to join. Also, it might be an interesting start-up type vibe at EW.

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