

DU William Asiata Public Seen by 28

What haven't we considered yet, what should we consider?

This thread is intended as an idea generator toward solving the issues of finance in the NZ economy - please share your likes, dislikes and idea's for the future.


Pamela M Bramley Tue 22 Dec 2015 6:41PM

I would like to see a monetary reform where money is not created by banks but is created by an independent Monetary group. The creation of money would NOT be based on the spending needs of government or the needs of the banking sector but on the needs of the economy as a whole using inflation targets. We need to stop the issuing of all new money as debt and address the debt burden of our citizens and the country.


Alan Forster Tue 22 Dec 2015 9:38PM

Pamela: re "I would like to see a monetary reform where money is not created by banks but is created by an independent Monetary group".
Please expand on "independent monetary group" it could be said
that the federal reserve is "independent".
The money (physical ) and system of a nation must be the property of the people,since it represents their collective monetary/resource/time/energy value and is the standard tool of transaction between citizens. Citizens are also legally responsible for the outcomes of money use. It is or should be public property.
There are practices going on right now that are not rational in that that
they are completely isolated from reality ie Futures trading (the future value of a product changing its value today). The practice of mortgage (mort = death)
"wage slave" does not really cover it. And the now familiar bank debt/money creation and profit from no justifiable effort or risk loading.


Pamela M Bramley Tue 22 Dec 2015 10:18PM

Now you have got me thinking Alan.
All I know is the banks create money that isn't real. Its just a ledger entry which is used as a tool for creating profits. We should only allow real money (not ledger entries) to be printed and used as a means of paying for the things we need. When an economy is based on ledger entries and something happens that stops folk from being able to pay of their debts this has a domino effect and in the end we are vulnerable to an economic collapse of the whole system. If we had an independent Monetary group who was not influenced by the banks or the government but rather based its decisions to print money on the needs of the economy as a whole (maybe through inflation index) we would have I think a much fairer system. Maybe this would be somehow attached to the Reserve bank but acting as an independent receiver of requests. What do others think??? Not sure what this would look like exactly so I invite others to brainstorm idea's around this.


Pamela M Bramley Tue 22 Dec 2015 10:24PM

Ultimately I would like to see ledger entry money not being used as a means of profit making. This puts us into debt and has may of the population living lives in an unsatisfying way by using this as leverage over people.


Pamela M Bramley Tue 22 Dec 2015 11:28PM

I thought this article on money in the NZ herald was interesting http://www.nzherald.co.nz/opinion/news/article.cfm?c_id=466&objectid=11564695


Alan Forster Tue 22 Dec 2015 11:34PM

The fact that nations economies are interlaced internationally is part of the issue
being small means being pushed and pulled around vis 2008 WEC,
John Keys policy seems to have been that debt was preferable to any
amount of austerity(not popular), However this meant also selling off assets (the family silver) Sold firstly to NZ investors (paying twice on something you already part own) And then foreigners with capital buying land. Debt is at 87 billion and climbing it was 101 Billion a few months back.
The most immediate way to rectify the inequity gap, stimulate the economy and pay back the debt is to reclaim the wealth and redistribute it from the top where it all has accumulated uselessly in large amounts and cycle it to the bottom of the pyramid so that it can circulate and flow upwards again.
One way would be a universal income set at say = $18:00 or near.
The penny pinching done in all health service sectors through under funding
would be somewhat solved if people could easily afford health care services.
im looking to tap my kiwi saver for dental work, diminishing my retirement funds.

I guess this is what you'd call "the big fix", and i think we have gone past the "just tweak thing again" stage as some fundamental errors are being neglected.


William Asiata Tue 22 Dec 2015 11:44PM

Hmm perhaps this calls for starting a new thread for discussion on monetary/fiscal/income/etc. reform


Pamela M Bramley Tue 22 Dec 2015 11:46PM

Yes this seems to warrant a new thread. Can you set one up and transfer the conversations about this to it ???


Pamela M Bramley Tue 22 Dec 2015 11:45PM

I like your bit about reclaiming the wealth and redistribute it from the top. As we can't just go take money off wealthy people we could attempt to change the emphasis and stop the profit making from money used as a resource to profit from


Alan Armstrong Wed 23 Dec 2015 12:06AM

Remembering a saying that illustrates how flawed
the underlying logic of long-term debt is:

If you owe the Bank $1,000 and can't pay you've got
a problem
If you owe the Bank $1M and can't pay, the Bank's
got a problem
If you owe the Bank $100M and can't pay, they'll
invent an asset that will capitalize it and put you on their

Go figure

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