Mon 5 Dec 2016 9:41AM

Environment & Sustainability.

SS Stevie Sleuth Public Seen by 324

This is a big topic and is most important. Once again the technology is here to stop a lot of the environmental damage that is cause today. All cities should be green cities that are ECO friendly. Plastics can be cleaned up from around the world and from our oceans, with the new plastic to oil technology converters and then used as fuel. Forest are being cut down and destroyed for farm land, when its not needed anymore, if we had vertical farming in the cities, to grow the food from. Pollution will drop dramatically, when the need for oil and coal is reduced. When this new solar technology etc, is used to replace these polluters. I hope this topic is discussed a fair bit.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpTHi7O66pI ...