Wed 6 Dec 2017 7:00PM

Spiritual Doctrine

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Thread for discussing spiritual doctrine poll

Do you agree/resonate with the statements made in this poll?

"-Do no unnecessary Harm; for all of Life is Sacred.

Place no Blame, for all of Life is Perfect.

Take no Credit, for your Life is a Gift.

I believe in divine will. The concept of a conscious and immeasurable presence that exists seemingly on the outskirts of our awareness.

I believe in divine fate. The concept that this abovementioned presence guides the flow of a story, that all of life is a part of.

I believe in divine benevolent freedom. The concept that this abovementioned presence chooses to listen to our individual will's when creating our collective story of this planet earth.

I believe in divine service. The concept that i will accomplish exponentially more while experiencing exponentially more of what i want in my life in service to the presence that guides the world in which i live."

I am coming to realize..... that without understanding these concepts and choosing to believe in them... the full depth and capacity of the EN DAO systems will not make sense or function correctly.

This.... is a very tricky subject..... We cannot become a religion... and simply being too spiritual may give us the appearance of being one..... Which is why i havn't brought up such matters until now.

However.... it has become clear, beyond any doubt to me, that if we do not have some form of shared spiritual story.... We will be lacking something fundamental.

So i'm making a poll. How can we as briefly as possible summarize in a non dogmatic way whats truly important to all of us (or at least 90%)?


Daniel Rosenberg Thu 7 Dec 2017 1:14AM

I don't believe having a doctrine is good, but having core values is. I love those first three statements. But I believe it is the intention of the EN to do more than just the least necessary harm but to be regenerative as well. So perhaps changing do no unnecessary harm could be shifted to something like, "support and enliven all who I can."

In addition to values, we need a vision more than anything. The EN is a revolutionary organization, not in a conflictual way but in that it intends to completely transform the world. Having a clear vision of precisely the world we wish to create together is FUNDAMENTAL to our success. There already have been intimations of an EN vision in many places, but I think it is time to make that more solid. I was drawn to the vision I witnessed in the EN and I'm sure many others were as well. It is this vision that has so many remaining dedicated, working tirelessly, and putting aside petty issues for the higher good.

Values are good: they create an ethical foundation on which we can act and cooperate together.
A vision is crucial: it creates a common purpose, inspiration, service, and humility in those who follow it.

We need a core vision.


Daniel Rosenberg Thu 7 Dec 2017 1:15AM

This is not to diminish the importance of core values. Those are also essential. I just feel very strongly that is it a vision that inspires, coheres, and invigorates revolutionary efforts such as ours.


Paul Stevenson Thu 7 Dec 2017 5:06AM

The mystery we share experientially is LIFE. There is no honest spiritual path that fails to recognize life as home to spirit as well as the manifestation of such. Precious Mother Earth and all life that exists within her IS spirituality. Sacred, unique, mysterious, and miraculous is she and all that love her. If we fail to recognize our place, or at least attempt to find it here, then this species called Humanity will perish and is bound to retry, suffering again and again until we do. Let's make this the cycle (Era) in which we succeed in making the leap from our pride in technology to a humble and sane Fibonaccian sequential evolution, (where we add the wisdom of our ancestors to present technology) which allows us to finally join the Galactic Federation in grace, love, and compassion for all.


Valentin Rozman Thu 7 Dec 2017 1:22PM

The work of Bernard Poolman, lawyer, police criminal investigator and founder of Desteni global movements was to research and discover why despite messages of Crist, Buddha and many other saints humans are still fighting each other. As also confirmed with archeological discoveries in Africa by Michael Tellinger, author of “The Slave Species of Gods” book, it is confirmed that human race has been designed by certain beings as biological robots to extract resources from the physical. As also dramatized in “The Matrix” movie trilogy, our minds (mind-consciousness system) it the AI that has been specifically programmed to produce such thoughts to constantly keep us in polarity of negative feelings and positive emotions. This for the purpose humans functioning as the battery to extract physical body life energy which was then converted to White Light energy in order to create alternative virtual energetic plains of existence (like we can do it in our imagination). So trying to understand the existence of humans based on Darwin's theory of evolution on some other romantic spiritual story will not enable us to unite. Only hard scientific evidence using logic and common sense will be able to bring us back to our origin which we have separated from. We must drop every kind of belief system anything that we read or heard about and start to investigate this existence on our own using self-honesty. Here are some discoveries:




And these are the principles to live by which are carefully purified in order to be clear of any point of separation and will unite humanity with utmost effect:

“The Principle of What is Best for All” – Guiding myself in thought, word and deed to always, in all ways, direct all things to the best possible outcome for all.
Taking into consideration the effects of my thoughts, words, and deeds on the world around me (people, plants, animals, environment) and ensuring that the thoughts, words, and deeds I am living honor the best potential of myself and all of life on Earth, to the best of my ability. Standing unconditionally in the shoes of all people and all things, and being able to at the end of the day say that I have fully considered all within the context of creating the best possible outcome for everyone and everything – that I have honored and considered them in the way that I would like to be honored and considered.

“The Principle of Self-Honesty” - Reflecting on myself and seeing every part of me (the good, bad, and ugly) without bias or judgment so that I can take responsibility to change that which I no longer accept and allow
See also: Self-Honesty Destonian Wiki

“The Principle of Self-Perfection Through Self-Creation” - Self-Perfection is the process of reflecting on and investigating myself through writing, releasing myself from the past through Self-Forgiveness, and changing myself through Self-Application and living change. These tools allow me to develop a deep intimacy with myself, enabling me to see the workings of who I am, how I came to be this way, and how to create myself into the best possible expression of myself that I can be.

“The Principle of Investigate All Things and Keep What Is Good” - I unconditionally investigate, consider, and introspect all aspects, expressions, perspectives, and avenues of life and assess what can practically be applied within the Principle of What is Best for All.

“The Principle of Self-Responsibility” - Living and applying my ability to respond within the realization that I alone am responsible for what I accept and allow inside myself, my relationships and my outside world. Only I have the power and ability to change that which is compromising who I am, what I live, and how this affects others.

“The Principle of Self-Awareness” - An active reflection and seeing of what is happening inside myself - my thoughts, emotions, feelings, reactions, and understanding that I am at all times responsible for what I accept and allow and what I participate in and thus give my power and attention to. To realize that my words become deeds and thus the words I allow within become the actions and consequences I create without.

“The Principle of Give as You Would Like to Recieve” - Considering the context and the lives of each individual being. Considering, regarding, and supporting them in the way that I would have liked to be considered, regarded, and supported had I been in their place and lived their life, where the support that I give does not compromise myself or cause harm to anyone.

“The Principle Self-Trust” - No matter what hardships, failures, and mistakes I may face, I always come back to myself and the principles that I stand as. I will not give up or allow myself to blame others for the circumstances of my life or how I choose to live it. I take absolute self-responsibility.

“The Principle of Making Love Real” - Nurturing and honouring the utmost potential in every individual (including myself) wherein love is not a feeling or emotions, but an actions that is lived by doing whatever is necessary to support without compromising myself or the other - without fear of "losing" the relationship or the feelings associated to love, and without accepting or allowing less than my own or my partner's utmost potential.

“The Principle of Relationships as Agreements” - Individuals coming together to support the manifestation of the best possible versions of ourselves and each other. Nurturing each other's potential and supporting one another to transform weaknesses into strengths. Creating a safe space for the healthy expression of intimacy and sexuality.

“The Principle of Visibly Living the Principles” - Actively living the proof of what can be accomplished when individuals live their potential by ensuring that these principles come through in all that I do, in all areas of my life, so that the example I set for others always stands for What is Best for All. My physical body is my temple - I honor and support my physical body as an expression of me. I nurture it and care for it in order to ensure my best possible expression in this life. I take into consideration the impact of thoughts and emotions on the physical body and within this, I commit myself to practice self-awareness and self-care through not only diet and physical wellness but also internal stability and clarity.

And finally, to apply these principles it will not work if one just uses wishful thinking or affirmation, it requires years of dedicated work to “debug your mind” and take out all the “mind viruses”. To assist you with that, there are online courses, books and thousands of specific audios available to support yourself effectively. One might start with free DIP Lite course and Bernard's first book:




Thomas Price Sun 10 Dec 2017 4:03AM

Here is an example from another organization. http://www.freeworldcharter.org/en


Jimi Davinchi Mon 11 Dec 2017 2:15AM

It seems like of what i understand in this thread is that ~
To be in common agreement with the collective az far az a universal understanding of higher purpose, connection or Affiliation,
but yet not be labeled or associated as a religion or a cult....

( OH THIS IS MY SPECILTY) Please let me explain..

Its called Anonymity.
Anonymity is the word for the way i choose to not advertise that i am a part of an modern day organization &
A higher purpose, but yet not a part of any organized religion or spirituality in the public's eye. For purpose of Avoiding conflict.
Another words its a personal decision & being as there are so many critics out there i would rather just spare my self the headache & loss of Valuable Spirituality that took me Effort to Attain.
But in the event that some one should Ask me for my help, thoughts, Advice or beliefs,
then by all means there is a higher force at work that thinks i have something to share..
Anonymity can be the spiritual foundation of all the traditions for EN
ever reminding us to place Principals b4 personalities..

1 Honesty
2 Hope
3 Action
4 Courage
5 Integrity
6 Willingness
7 Humility
8 Brotherly Luv
9 Discipline
10 Perseverance
11 Spiritual Awareness
12 Service

These Are the 12 Principals that i have practiced for 25yrs now.
in no particular order.
i believe that some of these Principals can be found in many religions now a days.
Do i get them Perfect??? FUK NOE!!

I only practice these Perfect ideals in my life daily to the tune of Progress not Perfection..
there was Only 1 Perfect entity i know....

So i hope that someone can get something usefull out my ramble,
For these are my Principals that have saved my Life Bak in the Day.

But i have a Sneaking suspicion that Mabe Just Mabe we get to take these
Non Material Assets with us after this experience here on this rock.
Hmmm thats a Bigg Thought....

On a closeing note;
There are over 350,000 registered church entity's in the usa. No wonder everyone is so dam Confused..look here~ http://hirr.hartsem.edu/research/fastfacts/fast_facts.html#numcong

Religion iz4 the ppl that want2Go2 church put a buk in the basket & save their soul from hell...
Spirituality iz4The ppl that HAVE BEEN2hell & back & are now ready for Round 2.. Whats Next?
Some of us are Thicker then others & half to return to our own personal hell 2make shure we didn't miss anything..