Thu 4 Jun 2020 7:29PM

Improving the website design? Ideas, volunteers?

LS Leo Sammallahti Public Seen by 18
  1. Anyone here who is good with Wordpress?

    @Sam Peters has said he could probably help us out, anyone else interested in improving the sites design let me know.

  2. Any ideas on how to improve the site?

    1. I would replace the "Latest Posts" right sidebar (highlighted in red) with one that would include the latest "Best Articles Of The Month" top 3 winners. The most recent posts are already shown below the top post (highlighted in blue).

    2. I would add a small banner somewhere where readers are encouraged to join as a member. If there is someone interested in designing the banner let me know.

    3. Would add categories somewhere as @Sam Peters already mentioned. Currently we could create at least the following categories - Co-operatives (11 articles), Trade Unions (4 articles). Once the site grows there's going to be more categories (we already have 2 articles on land value taxation and 3rd on the way, and a second article about right to repair movement coming along, etc.)


Avi (Dr KBH) Wed 4 Nov 2020 2:46PM

The category 'Other' is not helpful


Avi (Dr KBH) Wed 4 Nov 2020 2:51PM

We need to find a graphic designer to join in order to lead the designing of an aesthetic for the coop. That is not that urgent, however pages like this https://www.mutualinterest.coop/join-as-a-member-owner-decide-democratically-how-funds-are-distributed-monthly-elect-the-board-annually-everyone-in-the-world-can-join-for-3-month could be converted into a much easer to grasp graphic /flow diagram. Also some consistent URL management I now also spot with this huge URL


Jonny Denfhy Thu 5 Nov 2020 7:00AM

Hi Avi, I'm one of the writers and members of the coop. I completely agree that we would benefit from a graphic designer to come up with an aesthetic for the coop as well as some adjustments on WordPress to streamline the website layout, creating extra categories, tidying up the subscription page etc... If you know of anyone who could help, including yourself,that would be awesome.


Avi (Dr KBH) Mon 9 Nov 2020 3:06PM

Yep. I am mediocre level at these things, so will reach out to peeps and see who I can come back with. Just wanted to test the water here first :)


Avi (Dr KBH) Wed 4 Nov 2020 2:54PM

This is what the confirmed subsrciption page looks like. It needs adjusting