
NZ POLITICAL SYSTEM - Anti corruption

AF Alan Forster Public Seen by 313

Currently a global issue. Corporate non payment, Corporate Tax Haven and shell company use. Foreign Trusts, Money laundering. Proceeds of int Crime.


Alan Forster Thu 2 Jun 2016 9:53PM

( eg: 2015 TPPA Govt keeps secrets from own people )
This government made a mockery of their own claim of "transparent" on multiple
occasions. Do we deserve membership right now of OGP ?. For sure we simply cant afford to keep electing professional liars and thieves to govern us, that would be a good start.

ERG would go a long way to solving problems with ,honesty, openness, transparency, accountability, free flows of information and publicly owned data provisioning .
Its possibly erg is a whole new paradigm of open government.


Alan Forster Thu 2 Jun 2016 10:19PM


Transparency International New Zealand undertook New Zealand's second National Integrity System Assessment NIS.

National Party on OGP

"New Zealand has a strong and well respected foundation of open and transparent government, and formally joining the OGP gives us a fantastic opportunity to build on these successes,” Mrs Bennett says.

“We rank highly on several integrity measures, including first equal out of 182 countries in Transparency International’s 2013 Corruptions Perceptions Index and first out of 132 countries in the 2014 Social Progress index."

29th SEPT 2014
"New Zealand is perceived as the least corrupt nation in the world; it is clear that integrity is New Zealand's most important asset. " Transparency.org

This all looks a bit different this side of the Panama Papers imho.

Corruptions Perceptions Index
NZ Open Budget @ International Budget Partnership


Alan Forster Thu 2 Jun 2016 10:23PM

Truth is stranger than fiction.
So a check reveals that economist, Suzanne Snively, Transparency international NZ was once "a senior partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers, Wellington" Same company as The NZ investigator on corporate evasion, appointed by J Key, Mr Shewan. The same company at the center of the scandal that nearly bought down the UE
FYI; The job of CEO is open at Transparency.org Job Description.

Simply incredible Code of Conduct @ TINZ
Transparency Internationals Secretariat is based in Berlin Germany. They are partners with the OECD and UN in global anti corruption initiatives.

The NZ government should stop and review all dealings with PWC today.
And TINZ needs investigating (how where we signed up to this? )

The government was warned about corruption for 15 Years, By Transparency NZ The Panama Papers Press reliease

This appears to be a legitimate NPO, Im curious as to why the National Bank was given a place in the incorporation documents (is that normal ? A bank as trustee /director ?) Our government signed up to it under recommendation from the OECD and UN. The TINZ charter of the organization explicitly forbids the "investigation or exposing of any individual member" this is their strategy for encouraging the end to corruption across the board.


Colin England Fri 3 Jun 2016 9:53PM

NZ has been seriously corrupt for decades. Speak to people from the US who have moved here and they'll tell you that a hell of a lot of stuff that happens in NZ would get people fired and jailed in the US.

The problem is that we've been operating a Bend the rules to get the job done basis for so long that we just don't see the corruption any more. So, we perceive ourselves as being free of corruption when the truth is the exact opposite.

That false perception is what lands us at the top of the charts as uncorrupted.

What we need is a full investigation into what corruption is and then a look at practices in NZ that happen to be corrupt. Then we need to write some laws to put in place consequences to that corruption.

The Saudi Sheep Deal should have landed at least one Minister in jail and there's other examples around as well.


Alan Forster Tue 5 Jul 2016 7:47AM

Current affairs cabaret style with panelists Jessica Mutch (TVNZ), Suzanne Snively (Transparency International) and Grant Robertson Labour MP and Finance spokesperson.
Table Talk: the politicians, the press and the Panama Papers