Fri 31 Jan 2014 1:51AM

Portuguese and Portuguese-Brazil

RG Rafael Gomes Public Seen by 101

Hi guys,

In transifex we have two Portuguese, only Portuguese-Brazil is almost completed, but here im Loomio in Language drop-down we have only Portuguese option. It is right?


Fabio dos Santos Thu 7 May 2020 11:57PM

Oi @Joriam Philipe ! Muito legal! Eu já tinha contribuido um pouco para a tradução do Loomio há um tempo atrás, mas como agora vamos realmente usá-lo decidir contribuir mais um pouco com a tradução do aplicativo, o que ajuda muito para que ele seja mais utilizado no Brasil!

Back to English:

Yeah. The main problem the use of double meaning in the use of the english word "Poll", and the lack os translatable one-word equivalents in portuguese for other words (such as "Check", "Dot vote", and "Score").

Lets tackle one problem at a time!
I'll post later on!


Fabio dos Santos Fri 8 May 2020 3:15PM

When on the upper level of an Organization, there are buttons that are tabs that indicate: "Threads", "Polls", "Members", etc.

On this bar, the use of the word "POLL" has a broader (and for this reason, vague) meaning, making reference to both PROPOSALS (for decisions) and POLLS (that might be better described as SURVEYS). At this particular level, it might be beneficial to use "Poll" to refer to both types of queries. Keep "Proposal" for the votes, and use "Survey" for all the other types of consultations.

So that would be my suggestion for the "English Interface":

Proposal – for the decision making tool

Survey - For the consultations such as "check", "dot vote", "score", etc…

Polls – to refer to all queries, both proposals and surveys.

This is not a problem if it is not changed, but it is good to be aware that the use of these words could be confusing for translations (such as Portuguese).


Fabio dos Santos Fri 8 May 2020 3:30PM

This would help greatly help the portuguese translation.

So we need to first find words to designate each of the following:

  • 1 word to designate proposals (votes, the decision tool)

  • 1 word to designate surveys (check, dot vote, score, etc…)

  • 1 word to designate polls (which would refer to both surveys and proposals)

I thought of the following list of options in portuguese. There may be more options.

  • Proposal - Proposta

  • Poll - Votação / Sondagem

  • Survey – Pesquisa / Enquete

  • Inquiry - Consulta

  • Vote - Votação

    "Pesquisa" is also used in the with the meaning of research

I originally thought one set of words, but after thinking, how about if we use:

Propostas - Proposal (no change) - the decision tool

Enquete – for surveys (check, dot vote, score, etc…)

Pesquisas - Poll - to refer to both "Propostas" and "Enquetes"

@Joriam Philipe . What do you think?


Fabio dos Santos Fri 8 May 2020 3:55PM

The other translation challenge is in the lack of one-word equivalent to each kind of survey.

I understand that there are a set of phrases that need to be consistent in translation. For the time poll, for example, these would be:

  • time poll

  • Time poll

  • Close time poll

  • Time poll closed

  • Time poll reopened

  • This time poll has closed. Share an outcome to let others know when the meeting will happen.

  • Start time poll

  • Edit time poll

  • Time poll created

  • Time poll updated

For all surveys there is also a description of what that type of survey does. Generally there has been no issue translating those.

These translation also relate to the ones below:

  • {{author}} started a {{polltype}}

  • {{author}} reopened the {{polltype}}

  • {{author}} closed the {{polltype}}

  • {{author}} added options to the {{polltype}}

This generates the a second challenge: we need to find appropriate options that flex in gender and in verbal conjugation.

So the challenge is actually to find words that:

1. are equivalent or similar (preferably 1 word)

2. flex in the same gender (portuguese is a romance language!) and time while still maintaining their clarity


Fabio dos Santos Fri 8 May 2020 4:10PM

My original solution was to add "Enquete".

This helped with the 2nd requirement. All phrases are efectively feminine, and all translations would be consistent.

BUT it violates the first requirement, because none of them are one worded.

  • A Enquete de Escolha (poll)

  • A Enquete de Verificação (check)

  • A Enquete de Distribuição (dot vote poll)

  • A Enquete de Pontuação (score poll)

  • A Enquete de Classificação (ranked choice poll)

  • A Enquete de Horário (time poll)


Fabio dos Santos Fri 8 May 2020 4:13PM

In this example, the translation for the time poll would be:


Portugues (Brasil)

time poll

enquete de horário

Time poll

Enquete de horário

Close time poll

Encerrar enquete de horário

Time poll closed

Encerrar a enquete de horário

Time poll reopened

A enquete de horário reabriu

This time poll has closed. Share an outcome to let others know when the meeting will happen.

Essa enquete de horário foi encerrada. Compartilhe um resultado para que outros saibem quando a reunião acontecerá.

Start time poll

Iniciar uma enquete de horário

Edit time poll

Editar uma enquete de horário

Time poll created

Enquete de horário iniciada

Time poll updated

Enquete de horário atualizada

{{author}} started a {{polltype}}

{{author}} iniciou uma [enquete de horário]

{{author}} reopened the {{polltype}}

{{author}} reabriu uma [enquete de horário]

{{author}} closed the {{polltype}}

{{author}} encerrou uma [enquete de horário]

{{author}} added options to the {{polltype}}

{{author}} adicionou opções à uma [enquete de horário]


Fabio dos Santos Fri 8 May 2020 4:21PM

I am in no way defending my solution, which is far from perfect.

Neither am I opposing @Joriam Philipe 's idea.

I think we need to make sure that all translations remain consistent. For that we need to look at how the table above looks for each type of survey, to find the best solution and how they work within the translation phrases.

For the surveys, what do you think if we go 1 by 1?