Mon 6 Oct 2014 2:11AM

Go with most popular name as decided by SOL staff.

RJ Ricky Jefferyes Public Seen by 22

I should probably wait until the propoasl here


has been finalised. But I think we are taking too long to decide upon a name. If the majority disagree to use the name most popular on the IC Facebook poll, I propose that we start a new poll in our Volunteer Facebook group and use the most popular name on that poll, after the poll has been active for a week.

If the aforementioned proposal is agreed upon, this proposal will become invalid.


Poll Created Mon 6 Oct 2014 2:11AM

Go with most popular name as decided by SOL staff Closed Fri 10 Oct 2014 5:08AM

by Ricky Jefferyes Wed 26 Apr 2017 9:46AM

Due to another proposal being agreed upon, the outcome of this proposal in irrelevant and void.

I should probably wait until the propoasl here


has been finalised. But I think we are taking too long to decide upon a name. If the majority disagree to use the name most popular on the IC Facebook poll, I propose that we start a new poll in our Volunteer Facebook group and use the most popular name on that poll, after the poll has been active for a week.

If the aforementioned proposal is agreed upon, this proposal will become invalid.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 40.0% 2 RJ TO
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 60.0% 3 J OM BDS
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 7 RT F EW O K AD GC

5 of 12 people have participated (41%)


Oliver Minter
Mon 6 Oct 2014 3:37AM

i acknowledge this proposal but i wish to wait a bit longer before i completely decide.


Tom Oliveri
Wed 8 Oct 2014 6:47AM

I'd like to see this move forward.


Oliver Minter
Wed 8 Oct 2014 11:59PM

i'm just plain confused now.


Thu 9 Oct 2014 8:53PM

There are too many votes on the same subject and it has become very messy.


Ricky Jefferyes Mon 6 Oct 2014 2:28AM

To save time, I have created the poll and it is already live.



Ricky Jefferyes Mon 6 Oct 2014 2:30AM

So if this proposal is agreed upon, by 1230 EST Monday the 13th of October, we will know our new name.


Joum Mon 6 Oct 2014 4:49AM

Ricky, I appreciate you moving this item forward. I think we both want the same name to win.

Above you say:

So if this proposal is agreed upon, by 1230 EST Monday the 13th of October, we will know our new name.
Is this a suggestion or decision?

In an email I said:

Hi all,

Lets start a discussion starting with deciding the process we use to decide the name.

  1. Should it be a private discussion and decision? Loomio, email, or FB? I propose the IC should choose the decision making method in a private loomio discussion.

Following this being established.

  1. What method should we use to choose the name? Do we limit it to a vote within the IC? Do we create a name committee and invite or elect people? Does the IC choose a list of names and open it for everyone to vote?

Looking forward to your thoughts,

I am happy if everyone wants to just approve your suggestion and we just accept the name agreed upon, by 1230 EST Monday the 13th of October but I think everyone must agree to this.


Joum Mon 6 Oct 2014 4:53AM

I also think you should have consulted us before posting the poll into an open FB page. I am happy for everyone to see this but is everyone?


Oliver Minter Wed 8 Oct 2014 1:13AM

for me - i think i wanted to see a poll done just for the IC and a separate poll done with the same name options that were then open to the public to vote on... then i guess i hoped that they would both match up..(and i was never sure of what to do if they didnt).. i wish we had thought about this more carefully before jumping in.... but i understand Ricky's frustration that pretty much everything we do - goes very slow anyway.. but it goes slow - because we want to try and consult as many people as possible before making a complete and final decision AND because we are slowed down by confusing software issues. We are trying to communicate on too many different platforms.

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