Mon 25 Mar 2019 2:27PM


K Katrin Public Seen by 8

What is the core of our partnership?


Katrin Mon 25 Mar 2019 2:31PM

Dear all, I would like to share with you my slides from the scaling impact training i gave last week at the Accelerate2030 programme at the impact hub geneva. I kindly would like to invite you to study them - and i would like to discuss with you some thoughts what you think about our work and where you see the core of the partnership and how we could use the partnership for collective impact scaling. Before you clicking through the slides, listen to this music and look at the first slide for 2, 3, or even 15 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4wb11w0ZHQ


Katrin Mon 25 Mar 2019 2:31PM


Marilyn Mehlmann Tue 26 Mar 2019 12:41PM

Nice work.
One thought: exchange of services. s4g helps L17 develop a realistic scaling plan; L17 offers methods to s4g.
Another: a joint working session where we place our different areas of competence in a common framework (could eg be Dragon Dreaming), as a basis for joint proposals to potential clients.
Pondering about geographical boundaries...


Marco Valente Fri 5 Apr 2019 4:28PM

Dear Katrin,
I am joining this party late, thanks for sharing your slides. Very nice work, easy to understand in their logical sequence and I found a lot of resonance and new ideas. How do you work in practice, in the last slides, with "your theory of change"? do you have them map out their own assumptions and list their own hypotheses?